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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 20 February 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_* /*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/ /*_Research Area_*/ /*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/ _/*Value*/_ *U OF M COMPOSITE - CRERAR, THOMAS ALEXANDER* March 16 Humanities M, D TBD (two awards were offered at $11,000 each in 2008-2009) *U OF M COMPOSITE - FRANK, HEINZ MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP* March 16 Humanities M, D available annual interest (valued at $1,525 for 2008-2009) *U OF M COMPOSITE - UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CLUB OF WINNIPEG GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP* March 16 Arts, women M, D $3,000 *U OF M COMPOSITE - KRISTJANSSON, ADALSTEINN TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIP* March 16 Social Sciences and Humanities M, D available annual income (valued at $4,000 in 2008-2009) *U OF M COMPOSITE - SNIDER, DONALD VERNON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP* March 16 Natural, Physical or Life Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities M, D available annual income (valued at $10,000 for 2008/2009.) *MAURO, ARTHUR V. SENIOR STUDENT AWARD* March 16 Unrestricted M, D $1,000
*G. Clarence Elliott Fellowship*
March 15 Agriculture Architecture Business Housing & Community Planning M, D 70% of annual interest earned on fund up to a maximum of $10,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALL FOR PAPERS: Canadian Journal of Native Education
*2009 Theme Issue: Indigenous Knowledges and Education (ECE -- 12)* The Canadian Journal of Native Education (CJNE) is pleased to announce a cooperative editorship for the 2009 CJNE theme issue with:
. Jo-ann Archibald, Q'um Q'um xiiem, University of British Columbia . Mark Aquash, University of British Columbia . Vicki Kelly, Simon Fraser University . Graduate collectives from each university The 2008 CJNE theme issue "Indigenous Knowledges and the University" highlighted scholarly work focused on this important area of education. The 2009 theme issue will continue to address educational challenges and successes in relation to Indigenous Knowledges and Education that spans early childhood to grade 12. This CJNE call is for research papers, stories and thought-pieces that address the 2009 theme. The following questions are of particular interest: . How can Indigenous Knowledges contribute to the significant improvement and transformation of Indigenous education? . How do we make Indigenous Knowledges matter in early childhood to high school educational contexts? . How can Indigenous knowledges shape research, leadership, pedagogies, curriculum, policies, or parental/community engagement? . What is the nature of the forces that either resist or ensure the inclusion of Indigenous Knowledges in ECE -- grade 12 contexts? Please send four titled hard copies with abstract: (one hard copy to include name and contact address info and three hard copies without name and contact info for blind review) to:
2009 Theme Issue - Canadian Journal of Native Education Dr. Jo-ann Archibald Indigenous Education 2125 Main Mall, University of British Columbia Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z4
OR send a digital copy in Word format to: CJNE uses APA style. Submissions should be no longer than 6,250 words in length. Deadline: July 2, 2009
*_2009 - 2010 Sheldon Chumir Internship in Ethics in Leadership_*
Applications are invited from senior university or college students or graduates in any field relevant to ethics in leadership for an Internship with the Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership. A completed or nearly completed Master's degree will be an asset. Interns work with the Foundation on research, program development and implementation, publications and community outreach.
The Foundation seeks Interns who display a deep understanding of ethics in leadership and public life together with imagination and creativity of thought, demonstrated experience in working with the community, strong organizational skills, superior writing skills and a personal commitment to the Foundation's mission.
The stipend for the nine-month period is $34,100. A professional development allowance of up to $3000 is available for use by the Intern on activities agreed upon by the Intern and the Foundation. In certain circumstances, and by mutual agreement, the Internship period can be extended by up to three months.
*_Applications must include_:*
- a brief essay (not more than 1500 words) describing the applicant's interest in and views on ethics in leadership, how this subject is related to his/her academic program and career plans, and what ideas, knowledge and skills the applicant would bring to the work of the Foundation;
- a curriculum vitae; and
- names and contact information for _three_ referees who have been asked to send letters of support directly to the Foundation.
*The deadline for receipt of application packages by the Foundation is _March 13, 2009_.* Applications which are not _complete_ by this date will not be considered.
The successful candidate will be notified by May 15, 2009, with the Internship to commence on or about September 15, 2009. The Foundation reserves the right not to make an award in any given year, or to make more than one award, if appropriate.
*_Please send applications to:_*
The Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership Suite 970, 1202 Centre Street S. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2G 5A5 tel: (403) 244-6666 fax: (403) 244-5596 email:
For further information on the Foundation please contact our office at the above address, or visit our website at
The Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS)
The Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS) is an international research centre at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), designated as a Centre of Excellence by the Research Council of Norway. The aim of CeSOS is to develop fundamental knowledge for the design and operation of future ships, offshore structures, floating bridges and airports, facilities for aquaculture and production of renewable energy from the oceans by integrating theoretical and experimental research in marine hydrodynamics, structural mechanics and automatic control.
The annual budget is about USD 5 million. About eighty researchers are affiliated with the Centre and the annual research effort is about 50 researcher years.
CeSOS would like to invite applications for:
* CoE1/09: *Postdoctoral Fellowship in Unmanned Aerial Systems *(duration of 1-2 years) We are looking for a young and ambitious researcher with a PhD degree in aerospace and control, and a strong background or interest in unmanned aerial systems. The candidate is expected to be interested in both fundamental and applied research, and in working on the boundary of several research domains. Specifically, the work will involve research on guidance and control systems for both single and multiple unmanned aerial vehicles. The candidate should be prepared to work with PhD students, give seminars at the PhD level, and to work with other researchers in a multi-disciplinary research group.
* CoE2/09: *Postdoctoral Fellowship in Guided Cooperative Control of Unmanned Vehicles *(duration of 1-2 years) We are looking for a young and ambitious researcher with a PhD degree in electrical, mechanical, marine or aerospace engineering and control, and a strong background or interest in unmanned vehicles. The candidate is expected to be interested in both fundamental and applied research, and in working on the boundary of several research domains. Specifically, the work will involve research on guidance and control systems for multiple unmanned vehicles, including unmanned underwater, surface, and aerial vehicles. The candidate should be prepared to work with PhD students, give seminars at the PhD level, and to work with other researchers in a multi-disciplinary research group.
* CoE3/09: *Postdoctoral Fellowship in Condition Estimation and Fault-tolerant Control for Marine Vehicles* (duration of 1-2 years) We are looking for a young and ambitious researcher with a PhD degree in electrical, mechanical or marine engineering and control, and a strong background or interest in fault diagnosis, estimation, change detection and control of nonlinear systems. The candidate is expected to be interested in both fundamental and applied research, and in working on the boundary of several research domains. Specifically, the work will involve research on change detection and fault-tolerant design of control systems in one out of two areas, dependent on the successful applicant´s background and interest. One area is parametric roll resonance where the purpose is to detect and control the phenomenon before it develops to critical levels. The other is fault-tolerant estimation and control to optimize ship propulsion in waves when a diesel engine is used as prime mover. The candidate should be prepared to work with PhD students, give seminars at the PhD level, and to work with other researchers in a multi-disciplinary research group. For all positions, the candidate must have a strong background in dynamics and control, including both linear and nonlinear control theory. Experience with Matlab and Simulink is also essential. The candidate must have obtained the PhD degree within the last five years, or have completed the PhD degree requirements before the beginning of the fellowship award. Postdoctoral fellows will normally be engaged for a one or two year period, with a possibility of extension depending on the results achieved in the period. The gross salary for post doctors will typically be between NOK 435 500 and NOK 496100.
Further information about the positions may be obtained from:
Professor Thor I. Fossen: [+47] 91 89 73 61 Fax: [+47] 73 59 55 28 E-mail: Home page:
Specific information about position CoE3/09 may be obtained from: Professor Mogens Blanke [+45] 45 25 35 65 E-mail:
The homepage of the centre:
Applications must include the following documentation:
* Letter of intent outlining how the postdoctoral fellowship will further the applicant's career path - maximum 1,000 words (4 typed pages) * Curriculum vitae, not exceeding 10 pages * Two letters of recommendation from supervisors at the MSc and PhD level. These letters should comment on the candidate's work ethic, research ability and personal attributes. The referee should comment specifically about the candidate's potential in the chosen field * One letter of recommendation from an employer, if applicable * A study record, with copies of all degree certificates/diplomas, undergraduate and graduate. If the PhD is in progress, please provide proof of enrolment in the program * Publication list and PDF files of selected publications (maximum of 3) * Possible achievements in research * TOEFL score, or similar
Applications should be sent to: You may send an e-mail with all the necessary documents attached electronically, but we require authorized documents by air mail before signing a contract with you. Mark your application with: CoE1/09, CoE2/09 or CoE3/09 *Apply as soon as possible, and at the latest: 2009-03-01*
IGSS Application Form Available
*International Graduate Student Scholarship (IGSS) *
Beginning with the 2005-2006 academic session, scholarships will be offered to recognize and reward the excellence of international graduate students pursuing Master's or Ph.D. degrees at the University of Manitoba. The scholarships will be offered to students who:
(1) are international students (i.e., those in Canada on study permits) continuing in full-time study in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba in either the second year of a two-year Master's program, the second year of a two-year Ph.D. program, the second or third year of a three-year Ph.D. program, or in the first year of a Ph.D. program after completing a Master's degree at the University of Manitoba;
(2) are paying the international student tuition fee;
(3) have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 over the equivalent of the last two years of study;
(4) show great promise as researchers and as graduate students; and
(5) are not recipients of external funding that pays for their tuition.
The value of the scholarship is $4,000.
This scholarship may be held with the UMGF and other awards offered by the University of Manitoba, but may not be held in conjuction with the International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship (IGSES) and the International Graduate Student Bursary (IGSB). Students may be considered for this scholarship in each year of eligible study. Students who are enrolled in a re-registration year are not eligible.
Scholarships will only be applied against any outstanding international tuition fee differential.
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