To Awards Contacts, please circulate as required. This message has been sent to graduate students.
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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week of: 05 January 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_* /*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/ /*_Research Area_*/ /*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/ _/*Value*/_
Sport Information Resource Centre http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3253&letter=S
January 7 Medical, Health or Psycho-Social Physical Education M, D $1,000 - $2,000, full details available from the SIRC website
Dr. Richard Douglas Oatway Memorial Fellowship http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3253&letter=S
January 15 Law, Psychology, Sociology M, D TBD
Richard C. Goulden Memorial Award http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2904&letter=G
January 30 Environmental Studies Natural, Physical or Life Sciences M, D interest earned
The Dirksen Congressional Center invites applications for grants to fund research on congressional leadership and the U.S. Congress. A total of up to $30,000 will be available in 2009. Awards range from a few hundred dollars to $3,500.
The competition is open to individuals with a serious interest in studying Congress. Political scientists, historians, biographers, scholars of public administration or American studies, and journalists are among those eligible. The Center encourages graduate students who have successfully defended their dissertation prospectus to apply and awards a significant portion of the funds for dissertation research. Applicants must be U.S. citizens who reside in the United States.
The awards program does not fund undergraduate or pre-Ph.D. study.
Organizations are not eligible. Research teams of two or more individuals are eligible. No institutional overhead or indirect costs may be claimed against a Congressional Research Award. There is no standard application form. Applicants are responsible for showing the relationship between their work and the awards program guidelines. Applications are accepted at any time.
Applications which exceed the page limit and incomplete applications will NOT be forwarded to the screening committee for consideration.
All application materials must be received on or before February 1, 2009.
Awards will be announced in March 2009. Complete information about eligibility and application procedures may be found at The Center's Web site: *http://www.dirksencenter.org/print_grants_CRAs.htm*. PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY. Frank Mackaman is the program officer -- fmackaman@dirksencenter.org.
The Dirksen Congressional Center 2815 Broadway Pekin, IL 61554 http://www.dirksencongressionalcenter.org
*EDC 2008-2009 Competition now open*
Export Development Canada (EDC) launched its 11th annual national competition of the EDC International Business Scholarship Program.
EDC's International Business Scholarship Program is designed to help grow Canada's trade competencies and underlines the importance of international trade among Canada's future business leaders. By incorporating environmental studies with international business into the program, EDC is helping to build Canada's future capacity to engage in international trade in an environmentally responsible manner.
EDC will offer as many as 30 scholarships, 25 of which will recognize exceptional students in the field of international business or economics. The remaining 5 scholarships will be awarded to outstanding business students who combine these fields with a focus on sustainable management or environment studies.
The scholarship winners will receive a *$3,000 cash award *and, if eligible, a possible four-month work term worth approximately *$10,000.* The work term includes mentoring from leading industry experts at EDC's head office in Ottawa. This year's application deadline is January 26, 2009. Scholarships will be awarded in the spring of 2009 and work terms will be available for the summer of 2009. Students interested in an EDC work term should indicate this at the time of applying for the scholarship.
EDC's scholarship program is a key component of its Education and Youth Employment (EYE) Strategy. For additional information about EDC's EYE Strategy and International Business Scholarships, please visit: www.edc.ca/cbie http://www.edc.ca/cbie
The program is managed on behalf of EDC by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE). "We are proud to manage the EDC International Business Scholarships," said Jim Fox, CBIE President. "This Program recognizes excellence and provides added support to top students. Through cultivating the country's fresh talent, EDC is helping position Canada for cutting-edge achievement in both international and 'green' business."
CBIE is a national non-governmental organization with a membership comprising 200 universities, colleges, institutes, school boards, educational organizations, training agencies and provincial ministries of education. CBIE has extensive expertise in scholarship, fellowship and internship management. For information about CBIE, please visit: www.cbie.ca http://www.cbie.ca.
EDC is Canada's export credit agency, offering innovative commercial solutions to help Canadian exporters and investors expand their international business. EDC's knowledge and partnerships are used by nearly 7,000 Canadian companies and their global customers in up to 200 markets worldwide each year. EDC is financially self- sustaining, is a recognized leader in financial reporting and economic analysis, and has been named one of Canada's Top 100 Employers for eight consecutive years.
May 27-29, 2009 - HONOLULU, HAWAII
You are invited to submit an abstract for the 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDIGENOUS EDUCATION: PACIFIC NATIONS to be held in Honolulu, May 27-29,2009 to take place at the Ilikai Hotel, 1777 Ala Mona Blvd., in beautiful Waikiki. (ph. 808-949-3811).
This conference will draw together scholars from the Pacific Nations to present academic papers, poster or cultural displays on issues in lndigenous education. Fifteen minutes will be allocated for each presentation. Sessions will run from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for each of the three days of the conference. Please note that if papers are presented in a language other than English, an English version must be presented by power point projection. Please submit registration form below by return email by *January 31, 2009* with title and abstract in Word, Times New Roman II font (English). Submit your abstract early as there will be a limit placed on the number of paper presentations. For those who wish to have their papers published in the conference proceedings, full text of papers to be submitted as above by April I) 2009.
*Conference Fees*: Delegate tuition: $300.00 U.S.D. Student and retiree tuition: $150.00 U.S.D. Tuitions to be paid by international money order upon acceptance of abstract. Note: All participants are responsible for their own transportation, meals, and accommodation.
Those flying out of *Canada *may take advantage of 10% discount on WestJet, with promotional code provided on request once abstract has been accepted, and a web link for reservations at the Ilikai Hotel will be provided for discount rates. Please feel free to forward this call for abstracts to your colleagues.
Welcome Back Reminders
*Information for all Master's and Ph.D. students who are continuing in their program (except MBA or MPA students). *
Please remember that it is a requirement that all Master's and Ph.D. students are registered for the Fall AND Winter terms.
The most efficient way of ensuring that you are registered in order to retain status is to register for the "Re-Registration" course:
"Master's re-registration" GRAD 7020
"Ph.D. re-registration" GRAD 8020
This re-registration should be over and above any course registration(s) you complete. If you are registered for the re-registration course (over both Fall and Winter terms) you will retain status in your graduate program even if you withdraw from courses.
*Fee Payment for Winter Term Courses*
*Deadline for payment of Winter Term fees is Thursday January 8, 2009.*
* Click here for information on methods of fee payment http://umanitoba.ca/admin/financial_services/revcap/StudentAccounts.htm. * Check your fee balance on Aurora Student. If you have questions or concerns about your student account, call the Registrar's Office at 474-9420 or drop in to Room 400 University Centre during business hours (8:30 -- 4:30 Monday to Friday).
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