[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies]
Date: 7 February 2019
To: Heads of units with Graduate Programs, Graduate Chairs, Awards Contacts
cc: Deans of units with Graduate Programs
From: Todd A. M. Mondor, Vice–Provost (Graduate Education) & Dean
Regarding: 2019-2020 updated University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship guidelines
As mentioned in the email dated December 21st, 2018, the following changes to the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) criteria and guidelines have been approved by Senate as of February 6th, 2019:
* The minimum eligible GPA criteria will be an admission GPA of 3.00. (Note that each unit/Department/Faculty may require a higher GPA as they see fit for their selection process. However, any student with a minimum admit GPA of 3.00 that is recommended for the UMGF to the Faculty of Graduate Studies will be eligible to receive the award.)
* The total maximum UMGF/MGS support for any individual graduate student will be five years (60 months). This will apply to students recommended in the 2019-2020 competition and subsequent years.
* Students may not work full time during tenure of the UMGF, however, they will no longer be limited to 720 hours of employment over a 12 months period.
* Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 in their current graduate program to continue receiving their award.
Please note: any recommendations for the UMGF made prior to the Senate meeting on February 6th, 2019 will be considered using the previous UMGF guidelines that were in place at the time of the recommendation.
These changes do not affect the UMGF allocations that were sent out in December 2018.
Please find attached to this email the updated UMGF Guidelines and Award Holders Guide for the 2019-2020 academic year based on these changes.
Please feel free to contact Sara Sealey, Awards Officer, at sara.sealey@umanitoba.camailto:sara.sealey@umanitoba.ca or 474-6703 if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you.
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