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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week ending: 19 December 2008
For the 2009 competition year, the MHRC is undertaking the administration of the trainee awards through an Electronic Grants Management System (eGMS). Applicants will be required to submit their studentship, fellowship, and clinical fellowship applications through the new eGMS. The remainder of MHRC awards (operating, establishment, PhD Dissertation, and Manitoba Research Chairs) will continue to be administered through hardcopy applications submitted to the MHRC office.
The MHRC has scheduled 2 information workshops to present a summary of the 2009 competition, as well as to provide an overview of new Electronic Grants Management System (eGMS).
The workshop dates are as follows: *Trainee Workshop *(Studentship, Fellowship and Clinical Fellowship): Friday, January 9th from 12:30-1:30pm in Theatre B of the Basic Medical Sciences Building
*Investigator Workshop *(Operating, Establishment and Manitoba Research Chair): Thursday, January 15th from 9:30-11:00pm in Room A106 of the Chown Building.
Competition details can be found in the 2009 Awards Guide. Access to the Electronic Grants Management System and all supporting information can be found on the MHRC website at *www.mhrc.mb.ca* http://www.mhrc.mb.ca.
*Call for Papers*** - MOCA-09 Joint Assembly
Second Circular and Call for Abstracts
IAMAS, IAPSO and IACS invite the international atmospheric, oceanographic and cryospheric research communities to their 2009 Joint Assembly to be held in *July 2009* in the beautiful and dynamic Canadian city of *Montréal, Québec*.
The theme of the Assembly is Our Warming Planet.
In addition to Association-specific symposia, the National Organizing Committee (NOC) is pleased to announce that a series of joint symposia will be held to explore convergent points of interest between disciplines. Services at this Joint Assembly will be provided in English and French, however, the Scientific Program and Technical Sessions will be in English.
For a full listing of Symposia, *please click here http://www.moca-09.org/e/02-scitopic_e.shtml.*
More on Montreal National Organizing Committee Members Call for Abstracts is Now Open Authors are invited to submit an abstract in English to be considered for oral or poster presentation at the Joint Assembly. The *deadline* for Abstract Submission: 23 January 2009. Authors are asked to submit abstracts using the online *abstract submission link* http://www.moca-09.org/e/02-abstracts_submission_e.shtml.
See WWW.MOCA-09.ORG http://WWW.MOCA-09.ORG for a full symposium listing, complete with descriptions.
CALL FOR PAPERS Religious Houses: A Legacy
International Conference Religious Houses: A Legacy October 7 - 10, 2009 - Montreal and Quebec City, Canada CALL FOR PAPERS
The purpose of this international conference is to identify and understand innovative heritage possibilities for the future of convents, monasteries, and -- more generally -- religious houses in Quebec, the rest of Canada, and Western society. By comparing cases and putting them in theoretical, historical, and geographical perspective, we hope to make a contribution to what these urban and rural architectural groupings become. We thus aim to examine specific ways of implementing the proposals and studies conducted in Quebec and to share these experiences in order to identify and explore, but mostly, to help solve some of the problems raised in Western societies.
To this end, the conference will attempt to bring together researchers, professionals and decision-makers from Norther America and Europe, who have shown particular ability to assess or implement new and original solutions, or who, through historical or epistemological reflections on the problems arising in the secularization, conversion, or governance of former religious houses, are able to contribute to a discussion of the financial, legal, urban planning or memorial implications of changes in the vocation of religious houses and their redevelopment.
Interested researchers and professionals are invited to submit a participation proposal before February 28, 2009. Submissions, including an abstract (title and 300-word description) and brief summary, are to be sent to the attention of: Dr. Lucie K. Morisset, chair of the Scientific Committee by email: Institutdupatrimoine@uqam.ca mailto:Institutdupatrimoine@uqam.ca
or by mail: Institut du patrimoine Université du Québec à Montréal C.P. 8888, Succ. Centre-ville Montréal (Québec) H3C 3P8 Canada
After assessment by the Scientific Committee, authors will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals by March 31, 2009. Please note that the Organizing Committee is prepared to pay for travel expenses of a certain number of speakers.
For full details on this event and contact information, please contact the Awards Assistant in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at 474-6827.
*Invitation to Participate in Study Survey*
The purpose of* this survey* http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=qwAQQy0_2bGPpEJLIIYXWYkQ_3d_3d is to gather information from graduate students in *Universities across Canada*.
The objective of this study is to create knowledge in the social sciences and post-secondary communities about social support systems, both formal and informal, that graduate students in social sciences can access while completing their degrees. Another objective of the study is to understand career goals and pathways to these goals for graduate students in social sciences. Challenges and barriers to these goals will be explored.
The study is being conducted by 2 researchers, one who is an Assistant Professor with the University of Manitoba. Marlene Pomrenke (PhD) has her doctorate in social work and works at the Student Counselling and Career Centre at the University of Manitoba. Carolyn Peters (MSW) is currently completing her doctoral program at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Manitoba.
This study involves filling out a survey about your current support systems as well as your career goals upon completing your degree.
Conference Announcement "Education for a Diverse World: Addressing Equity & Human Rights"
The Education Graduate Students' Society (EGSS) at McGill University, is excited to announce their 8th annual conference:
"Education for a Diverse World: Addressing Equity & Human Rights"
We encourage students and faculty members from all areas of education to celebrate research and theory in education as well as the practical applications of their work by submitting a proposal.
For more information see http://www.education.mcgill.ca/egss/Conference.php
NSERC - JSPS Postdoctoral and Invitation Fellowship Programs
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) provides opportunities in universities or other research institutions in Japan for 1) postdoctoral researchers to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups; and 2) senior scientists/university professors to participate in cooperative activities with researchers.
NSERC cooperates with the JSPS by receiving and processing applications, and by nominating candidates to the JSPS.
Terms of award: 1) Round-trip air ticket (based on JSPS regulations); 2) Monthly maintenance allowance; 3) Settling-in allowance (for Postdoctoral only); 4) Domestic research travel allowance; 5) Overseas travel, accident and sickness insurance coverage.
The application deadlines for these programs are January 15th, 2009 (Invitation) and January 25th, 2009 (Postdoctoral). Please note that a copy of the proposal / application form, accompanied by a completed Funding Application Approval Form (FAAF / Form 58), should be submitted to the *Office of Research Services (540 Machray Hall)* by January 7th, 2009 for an administrative review and the required institutional signatures. For more information about these programs, or to request an application form, please contact: JSPS Fellowships Scholarships and Fellowships Division Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) 350 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1A 1H5 Telephone: 613-944-6241 E-mail: Z-SCHOL@NSERC.ca Web site: www.nserc.gc.ca http://www.nserc.gc.ca
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