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university of manitoba faculty of graduate studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Awards Announcements ------------------------------------------------------------------------ University of Manitoba Graduate Student Travel Awards See website Master's · PhD Unrestricted $500 - $1,250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manitoba Health Research Council February 1, 2011 Master's · PhD Health Related Fields Varies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oakes-Riewe Aboriginal-Environmental Studies Research Award February 28, 2011 Master's · PhD Aboriginal environmental integration of physical, biological human processes $500 - $5,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aboriginal Issues Press Scholarships February 28, 2011 Master's · PhD Aboriginal issues $500 - $1,500
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Workshop Announcement ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manitoba Health Research Council January, 2011 The Manitoba Health Research Council is hosting two workshops for their 2011 competition.
Please click through to *this poster <attachments/MHRC_2011Workshop_Poster.JPG>* and *this PDF for more information* <attachments/MHRC_Announcement-2011.pdf>.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call For Proposals ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graduate Student Fellowships: Canada's Arctic Foreign Policy Deadline for application: January 6, 2011 The Northern Governance Thematic Network of the University of the Arctic, with support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, is pleased to announce 10 available fellowships for graduate students, valued at $5,000 each.
Research papers will focus on one of the following two areas:
1) Addressing the rising interest in the Arctic region from non-Arctic states.
* How are non-Arctic states approaching Arctic issues? (e.g. China, Japan, Argentina, India, South Korea, UK, Netherlands, Germany) * What have they done or are they doing that is directly relevant to the Arctic? * What capabilities do they have that they could contribute to the work of Arctic States? * What are their interests? (e.g. political, commercial, scientific) * How should Canada engage with these emerging players? * To what extent? * What are the benefits (to Canada and to Northerners)? * What are the pitfalls (for Canada and for Northerners)?
2) Assessing readiness of industry for increased shipping in the North.
* What are the industry's perspectives on potential for shipping? * How advanced is the industry in preparing for shipping in the North? What more remains to be done? * How do preparations in North America compare to elsewhere? * What does the industry see as the key obstacle to shipping in the North? * What does this imply for Arctic States from a policy perspective? * What strategies are other Arctic States developing or have developed that Canada could learn from? * What are the "tourism" dimensions?
Qualified applicants must:
* be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada; * be actively pursuing a graduate degree (Master's, Ph.D. or equivalent) in circumpolar and/or northern research; * be in good academic standing, as determined by your university; * submit a completed application form; * submit a 1 page paper proposal/abstract; * submit a letter of appraisal from a supervisor.
Successful applicants will be notified by *Friday, January 14, 2011*. Final papers are due *March 11, 2011*, must be submitted in *English or French*, and cannot exceed 5,000 words including footnotes. Fellows will be invited to participate in a symposium in Saskatoon the week of *March 14th*.
Please submit applications to:
Heather Exner-Pirot International Centre for Northern Governance and Development 9 Campus Drive, Room 280.1 Arts University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5 ** 306.966.1624
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick Links for Grad Students ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Awards FAQ Fee Information Admissions FAQ Thesis Questions Registration FAQ Graduate Studies Forms Important Dates & Deadlines 2010-2011 Academic Calendar
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