Please find attached information from NSERC regarding the upcoming NSERC PGS/CGS competition as well as a frequently asked questions document.
The application process for the Postgraduate Scholarships (PGS) and Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) programs is again a fully electronic submission system for this year's competition. Students will continue to complete their applications using NSERC's online system, but will no longer be required to print and sign paper copies.
As in the past few competitions, NSERC no longer requires departmental appraisals. As a result we are not requesting that departments review and rank the applications prior to submission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. While a departmental review is not required, departments are strongly encouraged to assist their students by reviewing applications, in particular the proposal, and helping students to submit the best application possible.
New this year, NSERC is allowing us to permit online access to the NSERC applications to university representatives. Please contact me if you are interested in having one representative in your department provided with online access. Departments can use this access to ensure that their students' applications are complete, and to provide feedback to their students.
There are two deadlines to note for the NSERC PGS/CGS competition; a transcript submission deadline and an online submission deadline. Applicants must submit official transcripts to all institutions attended in sealed envelopes to my attention at 500 University Centre October 3, 2011. This will provide me with time to upload transcripts so that students can submit their application electronically by our October 10, 2011 deadline.
We will be distributing this information to all graduate students in Friday's weekly award email announcement, but I would like to ask for your assistance in distributing our deadlines and the frequently asked questions document to students and other interested parties in your department, including fourth year undergraduate students.
Thank you.
Marcia Yoshida
Awards Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of Manitoba
Phone: (204) 474-9836