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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 17 April 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_* /*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/ /*_Research Area_*/ /*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/ _/*Value*/_ *FULBRIGHT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AWARDS* May 1 science, technology, engineering D $180,000 USD over three years *EVEYLN SHAPIRO AWARD FOR HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH* May 15 Health services research M, D $5,000 *JAMES GORDON FLETCHER PHD FELLOWSHIP IN FUNCTIONAL FOODS AND NUTRACEUTICALS* May 15 Agriculture Home Economics/Human Ecology D TBA *MCCRORIE-WEST FAMILY FELLOWSHIP FOR ALZHEIMER RESEARCH* May 15 Alzheimer Disease D TBD (for 2008-2009 award was valued at $3,000) *ABORIGINAL ISSUES PRESS SCHOLARSHIPS* May 29 Aboriginal Business Education Environmental Studies Medical Health Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities Social Work M, D Value to be determined by the committee *FOUNDATION FOR REGISTERED NURSES OF MANITOBA INC SCHOLARSHIP AND AWARD* June 1 Health related field M, D TBD (For 2008-09 two Scholarships were valued at $4,500 each. Three Awards were valued at $2,250 each). *PAWAN K. SINGAL GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP IN CARDIOVASCULAR SCIENCES* June 1 cardiovascular sciences M, D approx. $5,000 Number and value to be determined by the selection committee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summer Session Registration
* Summer registration opens at 8:30 am on Monday March 23. An equal number of seats is added to each section each day. Students have been assigned a registration day base on student number. Time tickets begin at 8:30 each day. * Refund Dates -- due to a large number of requests for changes to the refund table, section comments for refunds will be added to the sections in early April. * Lab Fees - All lab fees have been added to appropriate sections.
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