[UM GradStudies notice] FGS Announcements for the week ending December 12]

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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week ending: 12 December 2008
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_* /*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/ /*_Research Area_*/ /*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/ _/*Value*/_ *DELTA KAPPA GAMMA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL WORLD FELLOWSHIP GRANT (for International Women) http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3070&letter=D* January 6 Education M /D $4000 U.S. *LONDON GOODENOUGH ASSOCIATION OF CANADA http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=2518&letter=L* January 9
M / D
six or more scholarships with a value up to £4,000 each (approx. $8,400 CDN)
*Call for Proposals*: */Encounters in the Socialverse/: Community and Collaborative Art Practices*
*/ Encounters in the Socialverse/: Community and Collaborative Art Practices
The 9th Annual Art History Graduate Student Association Symposium Symposium Date: March 6, 2009 Submission Deadline: January 17, 2009*
The Art History Graduate Student Association at York University will be hosting its 9th Annual Symposium on Friday, March 6, 2009. Graduate students and recent graduates in Canada, the United States, and abroad are invited to submit proposals.
This symposium focuses on the centrality of human participation in contemporary art practice. It seeks to engage with the ethics, the aesthetics, and the politics of community-based and collaborative art. We are interested in presenting papers stemming from the visual arts, theatre, architecture, dance, film production, and other disciplines.
This symposium aims to critically address questions posed by cultural historians and critics concerning the implications in collaborative art projects. Such questions include: How does active participation influence aesthetics? Does collaborative art practice, with its social interactions, shared assumptions and invisible rules, push or hinder the limits of relationality? How does the integration of human participation impact upon works of art? How has the proliferation of outdoor art festivals such as Nuit Blanche in Paris, Montreal, and Toronto permanently affected the way contemporary artists produce work? How has the response to such large-scale exhibitions influenced art practice? How has public or private art funding reflected this increased interest in accessible art? Do such art practices allow for the empowerment of communities and participants? How might the inclusion of community-based projects in institutions like museums, cinemas, and concert halls impact their criticality?
Presentations that touch upon questions relating to community and collaborative art practice in the following sub-themes are encouraged:
. artist collaborations and interventionist works . authorship and cultural property . developments in Relational Aesthetics . legalities of human participation . theories of time, space, and place . embodiment and performance studies . activism and social welfare . the politics of inclusion . accessibility issues
We invite emerging scholars to submit proposals that engage with any of these issues by sending a 300-word abstract of your paper, curriculum vitae, email address, and contact information by Friday, January 17, 2009 to:
info@yorku-ahgsa.ca mailto:info@yorku-ahgsa.ca Attn: Symposium Committee
Art History Graduate Student Association 256L Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts York University, 4700 Keele Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3
For additional information, visit www.yorku-ahgsa.ca http://www.yorku-ahgsa.ca/.
*Inter-Actions: Feminisms Inspiring Possibilities **A multidisciplinary student conference May 21-23, 2009 ***
*** Call for Conference Submissions ** *
The Feminist Research Group (FRG) invites you to submit a proposal for presentation at the 10th annual Feminist Research Group Conference at the University of Windsor. The conference features feminist research and creative works, both in progress or completed, by graduate and senior undergraduate students across many disciplines. The international and multidisciplinary conference is a three-day event. The conference will feature a combination of workshops, paper, panel and poster presentations, as well as other creative performances (e.g., art displays, short plays, films, musical compositions). The conference will also include keynote addresses from two outstanding women.
If you would like to present your work, please complete a 250-word abstract or a summary of your work on the Conference Submission Form available at http://www.uwindsor.ca/frg/submissions.
** Submission deadline: February 18, 2009 * *
Please visit our website at http://www.uwindsor.ca/frg for more information regarding this year's conference and previous conferences. If you have any questions, please contact Dusty Johnstone at frg@uwindsor.ca mailto:frg@uwindsor.ca or at (519) 253-3000 x 2256.
For information regarding the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation's Research Fellowship Program, and to view our targeted areas of research, please visit our Web site at: www.civilization.ca/cmc/index_e.aspx?ArticleID=5067 http://www.civilization.ca/cmc/index_e.aspx?ArticleID=5067 The application process and form are available on-line. If you are interested in applying, please complete the application form and forward your resume to the appropriate e-mail address by the closing date, indicating the fellowship of interest. Thank you for your interest. Only successful candidates will be contacted.
*Closing date: December 17, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. *
Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation
The Foundation was formed in 1990 to honour those women through scholarships and to encourage more Canadian women to pursue careers in engineering.
Since its inception, nearly 100 women studying engineering at Canadian universities have been able to continue their studies with CEMF's support. The generosity of CEMF's donors and supporters now allows for 14 annual scholarships ranging from $2,500 to $15,000 at the undergraduate, masters and PhD levels of study to be awarded to Canadian women. The Foundation will celebrate its 20th Anniversary in 2010 with a new undergraduate scholarship. Winners are honoured at the Annual CEMF Awards Luncheon held in conjunction with the Engineers Canada Annual General Meeting and are featured in a promotional brochure sent to universities, provincial associations, donors and stakeholders across the country. Scholarship recipients are selected based on their strong leadership abilities and their ability to act as ambassadors for the engineering profession to young girls. CEMF scholarship winners are extraordinarily outstanding women who wear the role model mantle with pride. Deadline for applications for the 2009 CEMF Scholarships is *January 16, 2009.* For more information on the CEMF, its scholarships and programs please visit www.cemf.ca http://www.cemf.ca or contact CEMF directly at 1-866-883-2363, e-mail info@cemf.ca mailto:info@cemf.ca
_Title of Study: _
*Understanding the Work of Nurse Practitioners:* *Exploring Discourse, Transactions, and Actions with Patients * *through Video-Tape Analysis* _Project Background:_ This research study is being conducted to understand and measure what happens in the practice of Nurse Practitioners. That is, what is it that NPs "do" in their provision of care to patients and, how do they build relationships with adult patients? Video data is currently being collected during repeat encounters between NP's and their patients/clients. _Research Assistant's Role:_ The videotaped data will permit several analyses one of which is application of the Davis Observation Code (DOC). The DOC is a 20 item scale originally developed to measure the content of physician-patient interactions in family practice. The RA will explore key behaviors related to illness and lifestyle modification within the NP-patient interaction. This study will be the first of its kind to apply the DOC to NP-patient encounters.
*Start date: Feb 2009* *Required time: 10-12 hours per week* *Duration: 6 months to start* *Training includes: DOC Analysis and NVivo 8 software* *Graduate student preferred but not required*
*Deadline for application: Dec 31/08*
For more information, please contact: Gayle Halas PH: 977 5666 halasg@cc.umanitoba.ca mailto:halasg@cc.umanitoba.ca
*GRADUATE RESEARCH AWARDS for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation 2008-2009*
The primary objective of the Graduate Research Awards is to enhance Canadian graduate level scholarship on disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation issues.
*GRADUATE RESEARCH AWARDS for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation 2008-2009*
DOCTORAL RESEARCH AWARD $5,000.00 3 Doctoral Research Awards of $5,000.00 are available to support research, writing and fieldwork leading to the completion of a major research paper or dissertation proposal on an issue related to disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation.
MASTERS RESEARCH AWARD $2,500.00 4 Masters Research Awards of $2,500.00 are available to support research and writing leading to the completion of a major research paper or thesis on an issue related to disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation.
All awards include travel support (transportation, accommodation, and meals) to Ottawa where successful candidates will be required to present their completed research papers to officials of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada during a special consultation to be held in the Fall of 2009.
Deadline for applications: *December 22, 2008*
Selection of recipients: March 6, 2009
http://www.thesimonsfoundation.ca or
Awards are offered by The Simons Foundation and The International Security Research and Outreach Programme (ISROP) of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT)
The Education Graduate Students' Society (EGSS) is excited to announce their 8th annual conference, "Education for a Diverse World: Addressing Equity & Human Rights", which will take place on March 13th and 14th, 2009. We encourage students and faculty members to celebrate research and theory in education, and the practical applications of their work by submitting a proposal related to one of the following areas:
Culture and Values ?? Curriculum Studies Educational Leadership and Policy Educational Psychology ?? School Psychology ?? Counseling Child and Adolescent Development ??Human Development Kinesiology ?? Physical Education Technology, Media, and Information Studies Second Language Education Teacher Education
We welcome proposals from all areas of education, including those not explicitly linked to our theme. Not sure if your work would fit into our conference? E-mail us at egssconference2009@gmail.com mailto:egssconference2009@gmail.com. The McGill EGSS Conference is a great opportunity to come together, professionally and personally, to share ideas and engage in dialogues with individuals across various fields of education. Past conferences have attracted students and faculty from Canada and abroad. Have you never attended or presented at a conference? EGSS is the perfect opportunity to get started! *Format of Sessions* The conference review committee will consider the following presentation formats: - Paper - 15 minutes - Poster - Workshop - 1 hour practical session; - Panel presentations / symposium - 1 hour group presentation - Performance - Up to 20 minutes of performance time.
*How to Apply* Please prepare one electronic or paper document. Make sure to include the following details: Page 1 Presenter information At the top of the page, clearly list: - The title of your proposal; - Author's names and affiliation(s); - Contact information for the principal author; - Type of presentation (e.g., poster, paper); and - Division (see list above). Page 2 *Abstract* Include an abstract summarizing the purpose and focus of your presentation. If you will be presenting findings from an empirical investigation, please indicate research objectives, methodology, results (preliminary results are accepted), and implications. Otherwise, please describe the primary goals of the presentation and the target audience. Maximum length is 250 words. *Synopsis* Submit a synopsis of your presentation to be used in the Conference handbook. Maximum length is 50 words. *Submitting Your Proposal* E-mail your submission to egssconference2009@gmail.com with the presenter information, abstract and synopsis attached as one electronic document (.doc and .pdf files will be accepted). Title the file according to the first author's last name, and the division to which the submission best relates (e.g., Smith_PhysicalEducation.doc). *Deadlines* **Early Bird Submissions*: December 15th, 2008* - Refereeing of early bird submissions will begin December 15th, 2008. - Early submission is encouraged due to limited capacity. *Regular Submissions: January 5th, 2009* - Applicants will be notified in late January 2009. We hope you will partner with us in Education for a Diverse World! See you at the 2009 McGill EGSS Conference! http://www.education.mcgill.ca/egss/
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Christal Barkman