[UM GradStudies notice] deadline to apply extended: Sixth Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference

To All Awards Contact: Please distribute / circulate as required. Graduate students have also been notified.
*Research Fields * prairie conservation and/or prairie endangered species management * Categories * Environmental Studies * Citizenship * No citizenship available * Eligibility * The steering Committee of the Sixth Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference has created an endowment fund at the University of Manitoba from Conference proceeds. The Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative has made a contribution to this fund. The purpose of the fund is to support graduate students at the University of Manitoba who are conducting research related to conservation issues on the Canadian Prairies (land or water). This Conference was held in Winnipeg in February of 2001 and attracted approximately 400 farmers, landowners, scientists, researchers, students, and plain prairie folk who were interested in contributing to the future of prairie conservation,. The Conference theme - "Sharing Common Ground" - was the focus of presentations, as delegates discussed how to sustain all aspects of the prairie landscape for future generations. Outcomes from the Conference were intended to influence local land-use decisions, as well as Provincial and Federal policies and planning.
The fellowship shall be offered to graduate students who: 1) are enroled full-time at the University of Manitoba in a Master's or Ph.D. program relating to prairie conservation and/or prairie endangered species management, 2) have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 (or equivalent) on the last two regular academic sessions while studying full-time, 3) are conducting or have proposed to conduct research in the area of prairie conservation and/or prairie endangered species management in Canada, 4) show great potential as researchers, as judged by the selection committee. Value available annual income generated from the fund.
*Currency * Canadian
*Tenable at * University of Manitoba
*Deadlines * *The deadline to apply has been extended to June 23, 2009 *
*Application Details * *The deadline to apply has been extended to June 23, 2009 *Applicants will be required to submit an application form which is available online at http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/funding/112.htm Applications should be submitted on or before the designated deadline date and marked to the attention of Awards Assistant, Faculty of Graduate Studies, 500 University Centre.
*Applicants will be required to submit:* 1) an application form; 2) a curriculum vitae; 3) a summary of proposed research including objectives, significance, and methods; 4) a list of courses related to prairie conservation and/or endangered species management; 5) two letters of reference in support of the application (at least one of which must be from an academic in the area of interest); 6) academic transcripts from all institutions attended. For UofM grades, a Student History is acceptable, which must be sealed and stamped by the Registrar's Office.
The selection committee shall be named by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and shall include an academic representative from each of the Natural Resources Institute, the Faculty of Science, and the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. The committee shall also include one representative each from the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association and the Manitoba Department of Conservation.
*Contact* Enza Pohl at *enza_pohl@uumanitoba.ca* mailto:enza_pohl@uumanitoba.ca or 204-474-6827
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participants (1)
Enza Pohl