2016-2017 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Competition

Dear Colleagues,
Please be advised that the online application form for the 2016-2017 Vanier CGS Competition is now open in Research Net. Kindly distribute this information to potential Ph.D. students and refer them to the FGS Awards Database for additional information: http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=b... Please be reminded that this Tri-Council award is open to Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents and International Students.
There are few new items to note for the award:
1. September 19, 2016
i. Students must submit transcripts to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by this deadline
ii. NEW THIS YEAR A Nomination Letter from the Department Head must be submitted to our office by this deadline. The Nomination letter must include the following information:
(a) Outline how the institution's research environment will foster the student's research interest and leadership skills.
(b) Provide justification for the lack of mobility of applicants who are completing or have completed a Master's degree at the University of Manitoba. The letter should provide an explanation as to why it is in the best candidate's best interest to stay in the same institution. This will include further elaboration on the appropriateness of the supervisor in terms of resources, funding, publications, their research and training environment. Examples may include (but are not limited to) funding, facilities/resources and personnel that will be available to support the candidate as they carry out their proposed research and develop their research potential.
2. September 30, 2016 - Deadline to submit the online application via Research Net. Late applications will not be considered.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you Rowena
________________________________ Rowena Krentz B.Comm. (Hons) Awards Officer Faculty of Graduate Studies * University of Manitoba 500 University Centre * Winnipeg, Manitoba * R3T 2N2 T 204.474.9836 * F 204.474.7553 ________________________________ Visit us Online: FGS Websitehttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate_studies/ * Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/umgradstudies/ * Twitterhttp://www.twitter.com/umgradstudies/
participants (1)
Rowena Krentz