2018-2019 January University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship Allocation

[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies]
Date: January 3, 2018 To: Heads of Units with Graduate Programs, Graduate Chairs, Awards Contacts Xc: Deans of Units with Graduate Programs
From: Todd A. Mondor, Vice-Provost (Graduate Education) & Dean of Graduate Studies Regarding: 2018-2019 January University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship Allocation
Please find attached the updated allocations for the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship for the 2018-2019 academic year. Allocations are now based on the average enrolment over the previous three years (2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18). Any additional allocations resulting from changes between the December and January allocations are reflected in the last two columns of the attached document and highlighted for your reference.
New this year:
* Two different allocations are provided for each unit; one to be used solely for Master's students, and one that may be used for either Master's or PhD students.
* Units may choose the duration of the UMGF. Note that the duration of the UMGF must be in yearly increments, must be specified on the recommendation form, and must be consistent with the UMGF regulations pertaining to the time in their program (i.e., students must be in the first two years of their Master’s program or the first four years of their Ph.D. program).
* Units/Faculties must specify the start date of the UMGF award (i.e., May 2018, September 2018 or January 2019). Recommendations submitted via AppReview will have a start date that coincides with the admission term.
* In order to be considered for the UMGF Supplemental awards, recommendations must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by June 30th.
Please note that:
1. A negative allocation indicates that the unit has more UMGF awards currently active for its students than recent enrollment would support.
2. Unit allocations have been rounded to the nearest whole number (any allocation less than 0.5 was rounded down).
3. In some cases, coordination at the Budget Faculty level of the allocations to small units may be desirable. Individual units participating in such coordination must agree to it and any resulting arrangement must be approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. 4. Units must allocate Master’s awards in accordance with their allocation.
5. Please note that additional allocations may be made in the winter term as unit enrollments are updated by the Office of Institutional Analysis, as well as later in the spring after the Tri-Council agencies announce their results (at that time students who receive a tri-council grant must accept it and decline any UMGF previously awarded).
To use your quota: Recommendations may be made immediately. There are two options for submitting the recommendation to FGS.
1. Submit the recommendation at the same time as recommendations are submitted to FGS via AppReview. This option is only available for students who have not yet been admitted.
2. The online recommendation form available on our website https://universityofmanitoba.formstack.com/forms/2018_2019_umgf_recommendati... (paper recommendations are not accepted).
Please submit your recommendations using only one of these options.
Recommendations will only be considered for the 2018-2019 competition until September 30, 2018.
The Guidelines, Award Holder’s Guide and the Recommendation Form will be available at http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/funding/forms.html
Please feel free to contact Rowena Krentz, Awards Officer at Rowena.Krentz@umanitoba.camailto:Rowena.Krentz@umanitoba.ca or 474-9836 if you have any questions or concern.
________________________________ Faculty of Graduate Studies · 500 University Centre · Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/umgradstudies/ · Twitterhttp://www.twitter.com/umgradstudies/ · FGS Websitehttp://umanitoba.ca/graduate_studies/ ________________________________
participants (1)
Dean of Graduate Studies