FGS Announcements for the week ending November 7, 2008

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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week ending: 07 November 2008
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_* /*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/ /*_Research Area_*/ /*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/ _/*Value*/_ *PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY GROUP OF ONTARIO (POGO) RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/gradawards/index.asp?WCI=SearchForm&WCE=browse&keywords=&criteria=any&category=0&citizen=0&range=0-1000000&tenable=0&byResearch=on&byAward=on&byEligibility=on&id=3238&letter=P* December 5
Medical health sciences, Nursing
D or post-doc
$45,000 salary
Ability to apply for $5,000 (one-time) in project-specific operating support
The First Annual UM QRG Qualitative Research Conference CALL FOR PAPERS for May 6, 2009
The Qualitative Research Group (QRG) will be holding a local University of Manitoba based conference focusing on the theory and application of qualitative research methodologies across disciplines. This first conference is designed to be a workshop: to stimulate discussion, create new research networks, and to develop more awareness of qualitative research as a methodology. The conference will offer Faculty the opportunity to present on areas of expertise and emerging research, and students to explore new language and concepts in qualitative research.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Roberta Woodgate (Nursing) is a leading Canadian researcher who holds several national grants and has a long list of peer reviewed publications describing her qualitative research. She will speak on 'Challenges and Opportunities in the Land of Qualitative Research.'
Presenters: Several small round table discussions will be planned in the morning and again in the afternoon comprised of a mix of undergrad / graduate students and Faculty. Each participant will present to a roundtable for up to ten minutes followed by a discussion facilitated by a selected group facilitator. Participants not presenting may attend roundtables as well (see below). Themes for roundtables will be determined by the abstracts submitted. Your abstract may also be accepted as a poster for presentation during the noon-hour. Students and new Faculty are encouraged to apply!
*WANTED:* Ethnographers, grounded theorists, phenomenologists, those employing narrative theory, mixed methodologists, participatory action researchers are all encouraged to submit an abstract from 150- 250 words.
/*Topics may include:*/ *come and workshop a new draft idea *describe or theorize a specific qualitative methodology: pros and cons *discuss a completed mixed method study -- what worked and what didn't? *working across cultures using qualitative methodologies -- what can we learn? *present on issues you have faced related to grant applications and/ or ethic review committees *getting published as a qualitative researcher The abstract should describe your presentation. Language used should be accessible to an interdisciplinary audience. An interdisciplinary panel will review all abstracts.
A) *Round Table and/or Poster Presenters* --- Send your abstract (with title), name, status (student, faculty etc.) and your department by email to Trish_Farkas@cc.umanitoba.ca DUE: November 28, 2008 (by 4pm). You will be notified by January 15 by email regarding the status of your application, details regarding the presentation on May 6, and a request for your confirmation of attendance.
B) *Participants who are not presenting* --- Advance registration is mandatory. The cost for the day including lunch is $20.00 (cheque made to University of Manitoba). Send your name, status (student, Faculty etc.), department and area of interest to QRG Conference, Room 221 Human Ecology, 35 Chancellor's Circle, University of Manitoba R3T 2N2 DUE: April 6, 2009.
SAAM speaker series: Sharing Our Success: Promising Practices in Aboriginal Education**
*Sharing Our Success: Promising Practices in Aboriginal Education *
Dr. George Fulford Department of Anthropology University of Winnipeg
Hear about how applied researchers are working to identify best practices that appear to contribute to reducing the education gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students across Canada.
*Date:* Thursday, Nov. 13, 2008 *Time:* 6:30 p.m. *Location:* Cross Common Room, Room 108, St. John's College, University of Manitoba, (Fort Garry Campus)
Free parking: http://umanitoba.ca/campus/parking/
info@saaminc.org mailto:info@saaminc.org
www.saaminc.org http://www.saaminc.org
Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit Post-Doctoral Fellowship Opportunity: 2009-2011
The Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit (MPCRU), in conjunction with Wyeth pharmaceuticals and CIHR, is pleased to offer a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in palliative care research. The MPCRU has a long history of successful interdisciplinary research, conducted in collaboration with our regional palliative care network. Post-doctoral fellows would have the opportunity to work and learn within this exciting academic milieu, in order to hone their skills in palliative care research.
The MPCRU strives to combine the university's expertise with the experience of those who work in the field of palliative care to create innovative, new ways of improving the care of patients and families at the end of life. Within our post-doctoral program, experts from a wide range of disciplines share in the goal of developing palliative care research scholars.
The fellow will be based at the MPCRU housed at CancerCare Manitoba and work in collaboration with Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the MPCRU. The post-doctoral fellowship will involve work on research projects and the development of new initiatives. Current MPCRU initiatives include: exploring areas of end-of-life distress; testing the Patient Dignity Inventory with psychosocial clinicians and in different patient populations; exploring issues in the delivery of end-of-life care for cancer and non-cancer patients and their families; addressing the vulnerability of disabled people at the end of life; pursuing knowledge about patients' experience with weight loss in advanced cancer.
Preferred candidates would have completed a PhD in the past two years, have an excellent academic record, some record of publication and have a strong research vision. Applicants must be eligible for CIHR funding (http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/).
Interested applicants from medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, or relevant health or social science backgrounds should contact the following individual to discuss the potential fit of their program of research with the MPCRU research program.
Applications should send their resume, in confidence to:
e-mail: angela.saj@cancercare.mb.ca mailto:angela.saj@cancercare.mb.ca mail: Angela Saj, Administrative Assistant, Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit, CancerCare Manitoba, 3017-675 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 0V9 Telephone: (204)787-4923.
We thank all interested candidates, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Deadline for applications: Monday, December 1, 2008
Canadian Friends of Peace Now Offers 2009 Peace Fellowship
Canadian Friends of Peace Now offers its 2009 Peace Fellowship in the amount of $4,000 for a deserving doctoral student at any Canadian university, or for a deserving Canadian doctoral student at any foreign university, whose research is consistent *with the mission, goals and values of Peace Now, in particular with its advocacy of a* *Palestinian-Israeli peace based upon mutual recognition, a secure, viable state for the* *Palestinians and a secure, Jewish state for the Israelis.*
Preference will be given to doctoral students who are writing dissertations on such subjects as diplomacy in the service of Arab-Israel peace-making, economic co-operation between Israel and the Palestinians, educational reforms in Arab and Israeli curricula that would foster reconciliation, grassroots activities promoting support for government peace policies, medical/health programs to attenuate the physical and psychological effects of war, etc. The preceding list is illustrative rather than comprehensive.
Students from such disciplines as political science, international relations, economics, business, education, history, psychology, sociology, environmental science, social work, public health and law would be eligible, as well as students from other disciplines whose research is relevant to, and consistent with, the aims of Peace Now.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, a five-page summary of their dissertation and two letters of recommendation, one of which must come from the dissertation supervisor. The fellowship recipient will provide a photo that CFPN can use in publicizing the award at the time that it is announced. The recipient will permit CFPN to publish a summary of the dissertation on the CFPN Web site and will agree to provide a copy of the full dissertation to CFPN upon completion.
Deadline for application is March 3, 2009. *The recipient will be announced on April 20, 2009.* For further information phone 905-707-5308 or e-mail at info@peacenowcanada.org.
*Send applications with supporting documentation to: * *Fellowship, CANADIAN FRIENDS OF PEACE NOW,* 1054 Centre St., Suite 312, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8E5
*or by email to: info@peacenowcanada.org mailto:info@peacenowcanada.org - with 'FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION' in the Subject Line.** *
2008 Competition: Scholarships for Canadians Applications for Canadians to study, under the Commonwealth Scholarship Plan and the Foreign Government Awards Program
*Scholarship Deadline Approaching *
2008 Competition: Scholarships for Canadians Applications for Canadians to study, under the Commonwealth Scholarship Plan and the Foreign Government Awards Program, are currently being accepted for the following countries.
Deadlines are as follows:
* United Kingdom: December 1, 2008 ( http://www.scholarships.gc.ca/csp/CWCadGBR-en.html ) * France: December 15, 2008 ( http://www.scholarships.gc.ca/fga/FGAFRA-en.html ) * New Zealand: December 15, 2008 ( http://www.scholarships.gc.ca/csp/CWCadNZL-en.html )
Further information is available at www.scholarships.gc.ca.
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Enza Pohl