Graduate Student Travel Award
[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies]
Awards Contacts, Graduate Chairs, Department Heads, & Deans,
The opportunity for a graduate student to attend a conference, present a paper, and engage with his/her colleagues and peers is deeply enriching and an important part of providing an excellent student experience in keeping with the University’s updated Strategic Plan.
In 2010 the process of handling graduate student travel awards was changed from a competition held three times a year to an on-the-fly process. While the timeline for handling applications has been streamlined, the ongoing paper- and reimbursement-based process is time consuming. To this end I am pleased to announce that the application process for Travel Awards will become predominantly electronic and will no longer be reimbursement based, but rather an award given directly to the student: $750 for a North American conference and $1000 for an international conference.
Effective 1 April 2015 a new web-based application form will be in place. Students will be able to electronically append the following (required) documents to their application:
* confirmation that the paper / poster has been accepted by the conference organizers; * a one page abstract of paper / poster being presented; and * a document signed by the department head confirming the significance of the travel to the student’s current program.
Students are eligible to apply any time before the conference and up to one month after the conference end date. Applications will not be accepted beyond one month after the last date of the conference.
The following information will no longer be required as part of a complete application package:
* Transcripts (FGS will download and print them from Apply Yourself); and * a $100 contribution from the applicant’s Department/Unit/Faculty/Advisor.
Successful applicants will be required to submit proof of presentation/attendance and a copy of boarding pass/hotel receipt upon return in order to claim the award. The award ($750 for a North American conference and $1000 for an international conference) will be paid out in full to the student; Travel Claim Forms and journal entries to FOPs will no longer be used to disburse the award. Visa expenses to attend a conference will no longer be covered.
This email is a “heads up” regarding the changes to the graduate student travel award approved by the Senate Committee on Awards and Senate itself. Students will be notified via the Graduate Student Weekly newsletter over the next few weeks. Students who have already submitted an application for conferences after 1 April 2015 using the old form will be notified individually regarding the changes.
Your comments and concerns are always welcome.
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participants (1)
Dean of Graduate Studies