2016-2017 UMGF Allocation

[University of Manitoba Faculty of Graduate Studies]
Department Heads, Grad Chairs & Award Contacts, 2016/2017 University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship Quotas
Attached are the preliminary UMGF quotas for the 2016-2017 academic year. Quotas are based on the average of the last two years enrollment numbers. Quotas are provided for both Departments and Faculties. A number of comments are probably warranted.
1. A few units have a negative budget available, which indicates the unit has historically awarded more funds than its current entitlement. 2. Unit quotas that are less than .5 will not be permitted to offer a UMGF at this point in time. Please note that these allocations may change as a result of funds freed up after the Tri-Council announces their results. 3. Unit quotas are rounded down. Please refer to the “Unit Allocation” column to determine the unit quota. 4. Faculty quotas have been rounded up. Faculties will use their discretion in determining the criteria used to disburse the extra allocations resulting from the round up. 5. In many cases, it appears more practical for units to coordinate their awards at the Budget Faculty level; this is especially true for a Faculty with many units, of which some will not receive an award unless they accumulate their fractions of an award to yield a full award. Therefore, coordination at the Faculty level is suggested for some Faculties and will be handled on a case-by-case basis by FGS. 6. Units must allocate Master’s and doctoral awards in accordance with their allocation. In the past FGS has said “Units should allocate twice as many Master’s level awards as PhD level awards in order to reflect the population of graduate students.” This advice has not been heeded and we came too close last year to not having enough UMGF-M awards to upgrade to MGS awards, which would have meant not being able to allocate all of the MGSs. This year units must adhere to their respective Master’s and doctoral allocations.
Updated allocations will be distributed in the spring, after the Tri-Council announce their results. Units that do not have funds to make award offers now may have enough funds after the Tri-Council awards are announced. Please note that the MGS offers have already been included in the UMGF allocations, and therefore upgrades of UMGFs to MGSs will not impact quotas.
How to use your quota:
Offers may be made immediately using the online recommendation form available on our website https://universityofmanitoba.formstack.com/forms/umgf_rec_form. Note that paper recommendations are no longer accepted. Please keep in mind that a PhD level award has a commitment of up to 4 years and a Master’s level award has a commitment of up to 2 years. Please note that the Faculty of Graduate Studies will send out award notices to all recommended recipients after confirming eligibility.
Please note that recommendations should be made prior to the end of September. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to use your allocation for the 2016-2017 academic year so that we or your Budget Faculty can redistribute the funds.
The Guidelines, Award Holder’s Guide and the Recommendation Form will be available at http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/graduate_studies/funding/forms.html
Please feel free to contact Rowena Krentz, Awards Officer at
Rowena.Krentz@umanitoba.camailto:Rowena.Krentz@umanitoba.ca or 474-9836 if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you.
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participants (1)
Dean of Graduate Studies