[UM GradStudies notice] Deadline is this Friday: KAVANAGH-LAVERENDRYE GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP

Sorry for the late notice. The deadline for this award is this Friday, April 3. The info was sent out to Graduate Students today.
Research Fields* historical studies (see eligibility for other fields) *Categories* Social Sciences and Humanities *Citizenship* Unrestricted *Eligibility* The Martin Kavanagh-Pierre Gaultier LaVerendrye Fellowship at St. Paul's College was established in 1987 by Mr. Martin Kavanagh to continue study and research into the life, times, and influence of LaVerendrye, the great explorer of the Canadian West. Mr. Kavanagh believed that LaVerendrye deserves a greater place in the history of Western Canada than is sometimes acknowledged. He spent much of his time and efforts researching and writing about LaVerendrye, his colleagues, and his times.
In the coming year the Kavanagh-LaVerendrye Fellowship will provide $3,000 for work on the life and times of LaVerendrye. It is not restricted to historical studies, but may include historical geography, demographics, economics, political studies, anthropology, linguistics, the Church in Western Canada, music, Native Peoples and languages, cultural studies, and any other disciplines that might advance the objectives of the fellowship.
*Value* $3,000 *Currency* Canadian * Tenable at* University of Manitoba * Deadlines* April 3 * Application Details* Applications from students pursuing research into the origins of the relationship between New France and Western Canada are especially encouraged. The Fellowship is renewable to a maximum of four years. The winner of the award is chosen by a selection committee with membership from Mr. Kavanagh's family and St. Paul's College. Candidates must submit: - a letter of intent - a C.V. - relevant transcripts - a research proposal - two letters of academic reference For further information, please contact:
Dr. Christine A. Butterill Dean of Studies, St. Paul's College 70 Dysart Road Winnipeg MB R3T 2M6 Phone: 474-8577 Email: Butteri@cc.umanitoba.ca mailto:Butteri@cc.umanitoba.ca
/Last updated: March 31, 2009/
participants (1)
Christal Barkman