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From: Altium <webform@altium.commailto:webform@altium.com> Subject: New Altium Webinars in June- Register Now Date: June 21, 2020 at 11:59:34 PM CDT To: mount-first.ng@umanitoba.camailto:mount-first.ng@umanitoba.ca Reply-To: <webform@altium.commailto:webform@altium.com>
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[Altium Designer]https://pages.altium.com/iQJS0yFY4cz00q002k43W0q UPCOMING WEBINARS IN JUNE Hi Mount-First, Check out our upcoming webinars in June below and register now for a live event! The webinars will be covering the following topics: https://pages.altium.com/hz4YdqF02S0004qJy030WRk Altium Academy Virtual Events Date: Various Session Dates, See Below Check out next week’s other FREE Altium Academy Virtual Sessions. These weekly interactive sessions are short and focused and allow time for live Q&A. These weekly interactive sessions are short and focused and allow time for live Q&A. We’ll have topics for users of every tool, including industry best practices, professional development courses as well as Altium Designer specific courses...something for everyone! REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/yYKSk44y0q0zWFw2qb00030 https://pages.altium.com/o03ey00SJ00Y4S2qkWFq4z0 6 Reasons to store your projects in Altium 365 Date: June 23, 10:00 AM PDT Access to your design files is critical for the success of your design process. Whether you are working with internal team members or sharing design files with external vendors, maintaining all of your design data in a single place ensures consistency and accessibility. The problem with local storage is that it difficult to provide access to external stakeholders and the files can be easily corrupted or lost. Altium 365 provides a secure cloud platform to store all of your design files in a single place so you can share them with anyone and access them from anywhere. This webinar discusses the advantages of placing, storing, and working with projects in Altium 365. REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/AI0b0qSF30yqY4400z0y2kW https://pages.altium.com/j4cF0Y3zS00qk24yWqz0I00 Altium Designer®: 6 Reasons to switch Design Tools Date: June 24, 10:00 AM PDT No PCB design should be out of your reach! Whether you’re designing a single PCB or a complex system with multiple circuit boards. Altium Designer’s powerful single application provides you with a no-compromise experience for every step of your design journey. REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/j4TF0Y3zS00qk24yWqf0J00 VIEW ALTIUM EVENT CALENDARhttps://pages.altium.com/Y0qqI2dy4004k003zFS0AWY Find out more about Altium Designer by visiting our websitehttps://pages.altium.com/U4c40qW0zF2SqK03Yy000xk. Please do not hesitate to contact ushttps://pages.altium.com/WS0YdyFqz0y3Wq40042kK00 or your local reseller with any further questions. Best regards, The Altium Team [Facebook Logo to Link]https://pages.altium.com/FYkFz00Be2S043I4000Wqyq [Twitter Logo toLink] https://pages.altium.com/n0S40ze034yz0WF0kY02qKq [LinkedIn Logo to Link] https://pages.altium.com/JF3zS40gYW0yUJk2q4000q0 [Youtube Logo to Link] https://pages.altium.com/gh0kqyz0430YFW0qS002VJ4 Altium LLC, 4225 Executive Square, Suite 700, La Jolla, California 92037, United States. Copyright 2020, Altium LLC, all rights reserved. Altium®, ACTIVEBOM®, ActiveRoute®, Altium Designer®, Altium NEXUS®, Altium Vault®, Autotrax®, Camtastic®, Ciiva™, CIIVA SMARTPARTS®, CircuitMaker®, CircuitStudio®, Codemaker™, Common Parts Library™, Draftsman®, DXP™, Easytrax®, LiveDesign®, NanoBoard®, NATIVE 3D™, NEXUS™, Octomyze®, Octopart®, PCBWORKS®, P-CAD®, PDN Analyzer™, Protel®, Situs®, TASKING®, Upverter®, XSIGNALS™, X2™ and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Altium LLC or its subsidiaries. All other registered or unregistered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners and no trademark rights to the same are claimed. https://pages.altium.com/BY02fS3Wy000q0KF0kAz44q
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================= Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.camailto:Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.ca ================ /\ Mount-first Ng :: Information Technologist, EITC, E3-550 O +--/~~\ (204)-474-9657 :: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering X--///\ ================= University of Manitoba ===================== | / \