Fwd: Impedance Calculations for Transmissions Lines in Altium Designer - Live Webinar

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From: Altium <webform@altium.commailto:webform@altium.com> Subject: Impedance Calculations for Transmissions Lines in Altium Designer - Live Webinar Date: February 19, 2020 at 2:42:32 PM CST To: mount-first.ng@umanitoba.camailto:mount-first.ng@umanitoba.ca Reply-To: <webform@altium.commailto:webform@altium.com>
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Hi Mount-First,
Today’s PCBs contain many transmission lines. Combine this with increased clock frequencies and data rates and the result is a critical challenge to high-speed design. Neglecting these dynamics can undermine product development by compromising performance, power consumption, EMC/EMI compliance, and more - leading to delayed design cycles and opening gaps that can be exploited by your competition.
Hone your high-speed design skills by joining us as we discuss the typical transmission lines encountered in today’s designs, the PCB variables that affect impedance, as well as how to create, calculate, and design transmission lines in Altium Designer. Learn how to maximize the built in SIMBEOR®https://pages.altium.com/gc0kqyz0430kFW0qS002lS4 engine by Simberian to craft impedance profiles and manage transmission lines in your designs.
Attend this Live Webinar to connect with fellow PCB Designers and Engineers from around the world and experience the following:
* Current trends in electronics development * PCB transmission line model and impedance calculations * Transmission line with specified impedance in Altium Designer * Live Q&A Session
Don’t pass up on this opportunity to experience the industry’s best in class design experience!
Webinar Details
February 25, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PST)
Best Regards, The Altium Team
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================= Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.camailto:Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.ca ================ /\ Mount-first Ng :: Information Technologist, EITC, E3-550 O +--/~~\ (204)-474-9657 :: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering X--///\ ================= University of Manitoba ===================== | / \
participants (1)
Mount-first Ng