Fwd: New Altium Webinars in May - Register Now

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From: Altium webform@altium.com Date: April 24, 2020 at 4:09:30 PM CDT To: Mount-first Ng Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.ca Subject: New Altium Webinars in May - Register Now Reply-To: webform@altium.com
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In May
Hi Mount-First,
Check out our upcoming webinars in May below and register now for a live event!
The webinars will be covering the following topics:
[Webinar Tab with Icon]
https://pages.altium.com/a0320z0E4S0k00MWsFyJq4q Altium 365 Webinar Series
Date: Various Session Dates, See Below
We are pleased to offer a 3 part Altium Academy Virtual series to discuss the problems that companies can encounter while working remotely, and how to effectively overcome these issues. During these three webinars, we’ll cover:
* Teaming up with other stakeholders * Collaborating from various locations with colleagues from your organization * Cooperating with 3rd party companies or contractors * Managing your company data in a cloud-based infrastructure
These sessions are short and followed by a question/answer period.
Register Nowhttps://pages.altium.com/My2W040kSJqEq00Nz04F0t3
[Webinar Tab with Icon]
https://pages.altium.com/P020y0qSzF04uq0J0kOWE43 Altium Academy Virtual Events
Date: Various Session Dates, See Below
Also, check out next week’s other FREE Altium Academy Virtual Sessions. These weekly interactive sessions are short and focused and allow time for live Q&A. These weekly interactive sessions are short and focused and allow time for live Q&A. We’ll have topics for users of every tool, including industry best practices, professional development courses as well as Altium Designer specific courses...something for everyone!
Register Nowhttps://pages.altium.com/iPJS0yFE4vz00q002k43W0q
View Altium Event Calendarhttps://pages.altium.com/WS0EQyFqz0w3Wq40042kJ00 Find out more about Altium Designer by visiting our websitehttps://pages.altium.com/gx0kqyz0430EFW0qS002RJ4. Please do not hesitate to contact ushttps://pages.altium.com/yEJSk44y0q0zWFy2qS00030 or your local reseller with any further questions.
Best regards, The Altium Team
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participants (1)
Mount-first Ng