Fwd: New Altium Webinars in May- Register Now

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From: Altium <webform@altium.commailto:webform@altium.com> Subject: New Altium Webinars in May- Register Now Date: May 1, 2020 at 2:10:02 PM CDT To: mount-first.ng@umanitoba.camailto:mount-first.ng@umanitoba.ca Reply-To: <webform@altium.commailto:webform@altium.com>
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[Altium Designer]https://pages.altium.com/s0gH0zH0kFyB0S24q430q0W
Hi Mount-First,
Check out our upcoming webinars in May below and register now for a live event!
The webinars will be covering the following topics:
[Webinar Tab with Icon] https://pages.altium.com/O0G04q4W0302ySzj0D0qHkF Altium Academy Virtual Events
Date: Various Session Dates, See Below
Also, check out next week’s other FREE Altium Academy Virtual Sessions. These weekly interactive sessions are short and focused and allow time for live Q&A. These weekly interactive sessions are short and focused and allow time for live Q&A. We’ll have topics for users of every tool, including industry best practices, professional development courses as well as Altium Designer specific courses...something for everyone!
REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/K004qSF00zHh3Cqk42Hy0W0
[Webinar Tab with Icon] https://pages.altium.com/BH02ES3Wy000q0GF0kkz44q Altium 365 Webinar Series
Date: Various Session Dates, See Below
We are pleased to offer a 3 part Altium Academy Virtual series to discuss the problems that companies can encounter while working remotely, and how to effectively overcome these issues. During these three webinars, we’ll cover:
* Teaming up with other stakeholders * Collaborating from various locations with colleagues from your organization * Cooperating with 3rd party companies or contractors * Managing your company data in a cloud-based infrastructure
REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/dq0z4HlyG40Wk00FqF230S0
[Webinar Tab with Icon] https://pages.altium.com/yHHSk44y0q0zWFi2qD00030 Altium Designer®: Form 0 to Gerber in 36.5 min
Date: May 5, 10:00 AM PDT
In this webinar, we will show you how easy and fast it is with Altium Designer 20 to create a prototype from scratch, automatically generate manufacturing files and standardized documentation in only 36.5 minutes - and all of this by only using the tools included in the unified design environment of Altium Designer 20.
REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/Q0GW0kF0Sm3z40yHq20Gq40
https://pages.altium.com/kS0Hz0y20G403Fq4kH0nq0W Component Placement from MCAD to ECAD
Date: May 13, 10:00 AM PDT
We design products not just PCBs requiring effective collaboration between MCAD and ECAD engineers. We need to consider how we can reduce the likelihood of errors when placing critical design components. Component placement in the context of enclosures can be easily handled in an MCAD environment while it is more difficult to achieve in the ECAD domain.
REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/yHGSk44y0q0zWFo2qI00030
https://pages.altium.com/CF400J0pz0GS0yqk342HW0q Designing Structural Electronics
Date: May 14, 10:00 AM PDT
Altium, a leading global developer of software for electronics design, and TactoTek, the leader in Injection Molded Structural Electronics (IMSE™) technology, invite you to participate in a joint webinar "Designing Structural Electronics". As part of the webinar, attendees will be informed of the IMSE process and how this can reduce cost and weight of a project. Attendees will also observe how Structural Electronics are designed and managed using Altium Designer® and the new cloud platform, Altium 365.
REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/BH02ES3Wy000q0HF0kjz44q
https://pages.altium.com/uqy000kFqz0q2K03G44SWH0 [Live Webinar - Altium Designer 20.1] 6 Reasons to Switch Design Tools
Date: May 19, 10:00 AM PDT
No PCB design should be out of your reach! Whether you’re designing a single PCB or a complex system with multiple circuit boards. Altium Designer’s powerful single application provides you with a no-compromise experience for every step of your design journey. Come see how Altium Designer, the industry standard for PCB design, combined with Altium 365 delivers the world’s first connected PCB design experience.
REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/n0S40kF034yz0WF0kH02qHq
https://pages.altium.com/lHF4G000zHk42W3qq0y0l0S Using Version Control in Your PCB Project
Date: May 26, 10:00 AM PDT
Version control has been a staple of software development for decades, but hardware development can benefit just as much from a version control system (VCS). Traditionally, VCS has been managed locally tying you down to a workplace, but advances in cloud technology have removed that limitation.
REGISTER NOWhttps://pages.altium.com/ey2krW03000FSG04qHLz40q
VIEW ALTIUM EVENT CALENDARhttps://pages.altium.com/hz4HmqF02S0004qHy030WHk Find out more about Altium Designer by visiting our websitehttps://pages.altium.com/JF3zS404HW0yqIk2q4000q0. Please do not hesitate to contact ushttps://pages.altium.com/WS0HryFqz053Wq40042kI00 or your local reseller with any further questions.
Best regards, The Altium Team
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Altium LLC, 4225 Executive Square, Suite 700, La Jolla, California 92037, United States. Copyright 2020, Altium LLC, all rights reserved. Altium®, ACTIVEBOM®, ActiveRoute®, Altium Designer®, Altium NEXUS®, Altium Vault®, Autotrax®, Camtastic®, Ciiva™, CIIVA SMARTPARTS®, CircuitMaker®, CircuitStudio®, Codemaker™, Common Parts Library™, Draftsman®, DXP™, Easytrax®, LiveDesign®, NanoBoard®, NATIVE 3D™, NEXUS™, Octomyze®, Octopart®, PCBWORKS®, P-CAD®, PDN Analyzer™, Protel®, Situs®, TASKING®, Upverter®, XSIGNALS™, X2™ and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Altium LLC or its subsidiaries. All other registered or unregistered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners and no trademark rights to the same are claimed.
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================= Mount-first.Ng@ad.umanitoba.camailto:mtfirst@ee.umanitoba.ca ============= /\ Mount-first Ng :: Information Technologist, EITC, E3-550 O +--/~~\ (204)-474-9657 :: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering X--///\ ================= University of Manitoba ===================== | / \
participants (1)
Mount-first Ng