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From: Altium <webform@altium.commailto:webform@altium.com> Date: May 8, 2018 at 10:40:06 AM CDT To: mount-first.ng@umanitoba.camailto:mount-first.ng@umanitoba.ca Subject: Webinar: Introduction to PDN Analyzer™ Reply-To: <webform@altium.commailto:webform@altium.com>
Introduction to PDN Analyzer™ To view this email as a web page, click herehttp://pages.altium.com/v/TcySn040f001kFE30zq4qW0
Visual Power Analysis with PDN Analyzer™
Hi Mount-First,
Whether you’re designing a 22-layer telco backplane, or an LED light bulb, predicting reliable power delivery should not be a guessing game. And analyzing your power delivery network should not be a tedious and isolated process.
Within Altium Designer, PDN Analyzer™ enables you to easily identify and resolve multi-network DC voltage and current density issues - without ever interrupting your design workflow.
May 10, 2018
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Please join this free live webinar and demo to explore:
* The common root causes of power delivery network design issues, and why they occur. * How PDN Analyzer provides a visual overlay of superimposed return paths to help prevent ground-bounce. * How to use PDN Analyzer to rapidly cross-probe and resolve current density and voltage drop problems before you prototype. * How PDN Analyzer enables you to easily capture, record and communicate simulation results.
Contact the team
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Many Thanks, Your Altium Team
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participants (1)
Mount-first Ng