Fwd: Important Update: GTC 2020 is Now GTC Digital

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From: GTC 2020 <news@nvidia.commailto:news@nvidia.com> Subject: Important Update: GTC 2020 is Now GTC Digital Date: March 11, 2020 at 2:25:15 PM CDT To: Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.camailto:Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.ca Reply-To: <news@nvidia.commailto:news@nvidia.com>
[Register Now for GTC Digital]http://go.nvidianews.com/K00nyOFe06mc0NEOC4QM0N0
INTRODUCING GTC DIGITALhttp://go.nvidianews.com/K00nyOFe06mc0NEOC4QM0N0
NVIDIA has shifted GTC 2020 to an online event due to the growing concern over the coronavirus.
GTC Digital delivers all the great training, research, insights, and direct access to the brilliant minds you’ve come to expect from the GPU Technology Conference—now online.
Best of all, registration for GTC Digital is free*. Register today and start building your interest list.
REGISTER FREEhttp://go.nvidianews.com/K00nyOFe06mc0NEOC4QM0N0
EVERYTHING YOU’D EXPECT FROM GTC, NOW ONLINEhttp://go.nvidianews.com/K00nyOFe06mc0NEOC4QM0N0
Join our live webinars, training, and Connect with the Experts sessions starting Wednesday, March 25. The schedule will be released soon. You can also choose from a library of talks, panels, research posters, and demos that you can view on your own schedule, at your own pace. New on-demand content will be announced every Thursday starting March 26.
LIVE AND ON-DEMAND TALKShttp://go.nvidianews.com/JF06On0dQN0MOmO4EC00ey0 Hear live talks and Q&A sessions, and hundreds of on-demand recordings on a wide range of topics and industries.
LEARN MORE >http://go.nvidianews.com/JF06On0dQN0MOmO4EC00ey0
DEMOS AND POSTERShttp://go.nvidianews.com/f00mE460Oe0eQF0nOMNPC0y Explore posters from global researchers and demos from NVIDIA showcasing cutting-edge technology.
LEARN MORE >http://go.nvidianews.com/f00mE460Oe0eQF0nOMNPC0y
CONNECT WITH THE EXPERTShttp://go.nvidianews.com/SF0N0E0O6ey0MOC4Q00mnQf Get one-on-one time with NVIDIA engineers and researchers during scheduled online “office hours.”
LEARN MORE >http://go.nvidianews.com/SF0N0E0O6ey0MOC4Q00mnQf
[Deep Learning Institute]http://go.nvidianews.com/wFONMyEO60040CQRe0n0g0m
GET HANDS ON TRAININGhttp://go.nvidianews.com/wFONMyEO60040CQRe0n0g0m
Experience dozens of hands-on live and on-demand training sessions from the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI).*
LEARN MOREhttp://go.nvidianews.com/wFONMyEO60040CQRe0n0g0m
* Registration for DLI training will require a nominal fee.
#GTC20http://go.nvidianews.com/HO0004n0MCSOmNye6QF00hE [Facebook] http://go.nvidianews.com/wFONMyEO60040CQTe0n0i0m x-msg://20/# [Twitter] http://go.nvidianews.com/I0QejOO06yCUME0n0m0FN04 x-msg://20/# [LinkedIn] http://go.nvidianews.com/ry0k0N0m4FV6OMOQC0en0E0
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© 2020 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA Corporation, 2788 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95051.
================= Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.camailto:Mount-first.Ng@umanitoba.ca ================ /\ Mount-first Ng :: Information Technologist, EITC, E3-550 O +--/~~\ (204)-474-9657 :: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering X--///\ ================= University of Manitoba ===================== | / \
participants (1)
Mount-first Ng