*REMINDER* Economics Seminar Series Tomorrow - Friday, March 18/16

Just a reminder that the seminar is tomorrow. Please see below.
"Do Merger Efficiencies Always Mitigate Price Increases?" joint with Gang Li
Speaker: Dr. Zhiqi Chen Professor, Department of Economics Carleton University
Seminar sponsored by: Department of Economics, University of Manitoba
Friday, March 18th/16 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM 307 Tier Building University of Manitoba For more information call: (204) 474-9207
Events Calendar Linkhttp://events.umanitoba.ca/EventList.aspx?fromdate=3/18/2016&todate=3/18/2016&display=Day&type=public&eventidn=11511&view=EventDetails&information_id=23882
A copy of the paper being presented is attached. All are welcome to attend.
Thanks, Alan
Alan Nabess Office Assistant Department of Economics Room 501 Fletcher Argue Building University of Manitoba Ph: (204) 474-9207 Alan.Nabess@umanitoba.camailto:Alan.Nabess@umanitoba.ca
--> Think Green. Keep it on the screen!
participants (1)
Alan Nabess