*REMINDER* Economics Seminar Series Tomorrow - Friday, February 26/16

Just a reminder that the following seminar is tomorrow:
"Childhood Shocks and Investment Behavior"
Speaker: Chi Liao Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba
Seminar sponsored by: Department of Economics, University of Manitoba
Friday, February 26th/16 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM 307 Tier Building University of Manitoba For more information call: (204) 474-9207
Events Calendar linkhttp://events.umanitoba.ca/EventList.aspx?fromdate=2/25/2016&todate=3/2/2016&display=Week&type=public&eventidn=11426&view=EventDetails&information_id=23701
All are welcome to attend.
Thanks, Alan
Alan Nabess Office Assistant Department of Economics Room 501 Fletcher Argue Building University of Manitoba Ph: (204) 474-9207 Alan.Nabess@umanitoba.camailto:Alan.Nabess@umanitoba.ca
--> Think Green. Keep it on the screen!
participants (1)
Alan Nabess