Following a lot of effort by several persons including
JM. Lauritsen: Coordinator. Design, implementation, documentation, programming(2001-2004) Salah Mahmud Design, Programming and Implementation of data management, commands and functions (2002-2003) Further contributions Programming from 2004: M.Bruus, F.Boelsmand, T.Christiansen, S Kreiner Further Specification, Assistance and/or pre-testing: V.Høgli,J.Hockin,HL Rieder,P Arias Bohigas, JC Fernández Merino,C. Green,G. Daurat,M Myatt,T Stewart and others
And funding from those mentioned on the funding page Http://www.epidata.dk/funding.htm.
It is now possible to have an open testing round of the EpiData Analysis programme.
The first release (v1.0) is expected within a few weeks if few problems show up, and few months if severe problems show up in the testing.
The programme is available from the test page (http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php)
Please assist in testing.
Jens M. Lauritsen, Consultant,MD. PhD. The EpiData Association, (EpiData Foreningen) Enghavevej 34, DK5230 Odense M. Denmark e-mail: info@epidata.dk For E-mail news on EpiData: Http://www.epidata.dk/php/maillist.php EpiData is freeware