Torsten Christiansen provided a link to the WINE wiki. Although I could be considered an advanced user on Windows and have experience installing apps in Linux, I'm fairly new to OSX. I gave up trying to install the most recent version of WINE because I kept missing some step or other required package.
The easiest way to get WINE working is to install Winebottler (http://winebottler.kronenberg.org/). I think this version of WINE is not the most recent, but it is fine to use. This took me only a few minutes and it installs just like any other Mac application. Then I downloaded the EpiData installation .exe files and they ran just fine. Winebottler creates a C: drive folder for the user and you then install packages like EpiData normally into the Program Files folder below this.
EpiData Entry and Analysis installed very easily and ran just fine. You will see on the Mac that the software actually running is X11, but in the X11 window you have something that looks just like EpiData running under Windows.
It isn't perfect - for example, Analysis locked up after I took a screen shot from the window. However, if just running EpiData, it seems to behave normally.
Jamie Hockin Ottawa
On 2010-02-24, at 3:43 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Just wondering if Epi Data can be run on a Apple Mac machine. Any experiences??
Thanks for any input Conrad