30 Jun
30 Jun
5:01 a.m.
Dear Epidata Developers I use Epidata in a long time. There was the control function that allowed for a lot. There was a * .chk file in which you could write a basic useful language. I am trying to design an input mask, but now I seek the equivalent of this function, I can not find. Has it been removed? If there is how to use it? Best regards_______________________________________Konan Diby JP, MD, MPH Attaché de Recherche Labo. Biostatistique & Informatique Médicale UFR Sciences Médicale, Univ. F. Houphouët-Boigny 22 BP 1041 Abidjan 22, Côte d'Ivoire Tel./Fax: (+225) 22 401 403 GSM: (+225) 05 994 326 / 07 250 561 skype's: dibykonanjp