On 2014-07-16 17:16, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Hello List,
is it possible to change not only the width but also the height of the string field (manager)? Depending upon the number of characters the field is widely increased to the right but not downward (no line break). However for the data entry it would be better/easier if the field was to be increased downward.
I need a field with 1000 characters! Is that too much?
Dear Marita.
At the moment - no. String fields behave exactly the same ways as all other types of fields, it expands only horizontally.
However, we do hope to find the time to introduce a more generic "memo" field, which should be able to expand in both directions. This is not a top priority at the moment, but we have it on our to-do list.
Also, please remember that using very long string fields does not work well when exporting to eg. Stata or if you wish to import into EpiData Analysis. Both programs have a maximum length of how long strings may be, and as far as i remember, 1000+ characters if above this limit.
Kind regards, Torsten Bonde Christiansen. EpiData Association.