In Epi6 I often used the following define var1 ## let var1=stringvar[startposition,number ] to convert a part of a stringvariabel to an integer variable. Whar is the equivalance in EpiStat?
The way to find this information in EpiData Analysis is the following: 1. press F1 (latest version 1.1)
2. This will either show the complete "commands and functions" reference, where a section shows functions or a specific command, if a word in the beginning of the command prompt is found as a key word in the commands ref.
The answer to your question can then be found by: writing in the command prompt: functions // and then press F1
or by just pressing F1 and look for the functions near the bottom of the file.
ANswer: define var1 ## var1 = string(var2) *or if you wish only a part of var2: var1 = string(copy(var2,1,1))
or simpler with command "gen"
gen i var1 = string(var2) *or if you wish only a part of var2: gen i var1 = string(copy(var2,1,1))
"i" stands for integer variable
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Denmark