22 feb 2012
Hello Jens and Kirsten,
Working with this new Epidata Analysis (V I found the following oddities:
Reading files: .EPZ files went OK .EPX files were not accepted, the files were made by the latest MANAGER program from an imported normal RECfile.
Writing files: An .EPZ file was subsequently saved with SAVEDATA into a .RECfile. This recfile was well accepted and loaded in EpidataAnalysis and also in ANALYSIS from EPI6, and also in ENTERX from EPI6, but the structure of the file was very strange:
In each record a lot of space was added at the end of the record. This extra space did not hamper using the file. Also this was not accounted for in the filesize in the file system of my WINDOWS XP (SP 3).
have a good day, Louk Meertens.