Thanks Jamie:
Now I'm trying to edit the autoincrement field, with EpiData Manager, to avoid overlapping problem that you suggest. But I don't know why I can't edit it or delete it. The rest of fields looks like I can edit them without problems, but that does not happen with the autoincrement field.
El 10/4/19 a las 7:11 a. m., EpiData development and support escribió:
You are doing the append the right way, but if you have a key field, the keys in the two files must not overlap. Jamie
I trying to append some EpiData files. But I'm having a problem... I tried the same steps that are illustrated in this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY6nZ0-k2Bs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY6nZ0-k2Bs
But I'm having an error that is shown in the attached file.
Please, help me!
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