9 Mar
9 Mar
5:21 p.m.
A question has come up.
Please consider how you find reading of a CSV file in analysis appropriate:
In a csv file the following data is found: id, s, pos, sex, ill 1,.,.,f,0 2...... etc (rest of records)
The data in line can be interpreted in two ways: Option 1: ID= 1 s= 0.0 pos=0.0 SEX = "f" ill = 0
Option 2: ID= 1 s= . pos=. SEX = "f" ill = 0
In other words the question is how to read ",.," should it be: Option 1: as 0.0 (which is current behaviour) or Option 2: .
Any comments on desired behaviour appreciated.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association