Standard export is easy. Just make pgm for new analysis and run without opening the software apart from clicking a link to where the pgm is.
We do that for many aspects including daily import of hospital registry extracts to see which parameters are not coded correctly.
Bw Jens
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Denmark Coordinator & initiator of the EpiData Project
Den 27. feb. 2023 10.19, fra 10.19, EpiData support support and user community epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca skrev:
Hello Jens,
We encountered these type of problems with a network installation of epidata. To keep all the settings (font,... export settings and position) we use a copy of our master file epidataentryclient.cfg which is copied to appdata\local\epidata\epidataentryclient just before epidata is launched. This is done with a VBS script.
Another great evolution would be the possibility of keeping the definition of exports to be able to reproduce regularly (just as it was possible with the old version of epidata by using a list of variables to export.
Best regards
Jean-Marie Chrétien
Responsable Département Sciences de la donnée Co-coordinateur Centre de données cliniques Délégué correspondant RGPD pour la recherche Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d’Angers
-----Message d'origine----- De : EpiData support support and user community [mailto:epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca] Envoyé : dimanche 26 février 2023 10:20 À : EpiData support support and user community Objet : [EpiData-list] Re: Re Installation of EpiData Manager on Windows 11 - The Libeay32.dll issue
In a recent course 3 of 5 pc's all with the full suite installed showed a strange behaviour of EntryClient and Manager. The exe apparently started and was running, but not to be found on the screen. I suspected a wrong position failure, but could not access the place where the ini file is placed.
What we did then was to copy only the exe file to another folder, eg a subfolder of the desktop. And then it worked. I am annoyed by not knowing the mechanism behind. The analysis did not show the same problem.
We will discuss in the core group what to do. Maybe a completely different dll and place of ini on startup could be a solution to implement and test in the coming release.
How important is it for users that we have user defined place on screen at startup. If we had a default startup in the middle of the screen some problems would be avoided. E.g. when you sometimes use two external screens and forget to move to screen 1 on a laptop .
Any idea or consideration is welcomed.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Denmark Coordinator & initiator of the EpiData Project
Den 23. feb. 2023 21.56, fra 21.56, EpiData support support and user community epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca skrev:
Dear list, I have also had problems starting Manager and Entryclient. Thank you for pointing at the Libeay32.dll. I am not an expert on this, and need
some advice:
The file is part of any EpiData installation. Renaming it to something
else makes the application start as a first time execution, and I am asked to select a working directory etc, and after that is done once, the program seems to work normally.
However, there are other application folders that contain the same library. When I copied one of these files into the EpiData directory as suggested in a former post, the ssleay32.dll file reported an error.
I would therefore highly appreciate advice on how to correctly deal with this issue.
PS: I organize my project as separate installations where both data
executables are kept in their own folder structure. Is this a problem
maybe a wrong instance of the library is executed? DS
Best wishes. Vegard Høgli MD, MPH, Norway _______________________________________________ EpiData-list mailing list -- epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca To unsubscribe send an email to epidata-list-leave@lists.umanitoba.ca
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