Dear SK,
I did a similar thing many years ago. I hope it works for you even nowadays. Lets assume that Epidata can just be pasted at some place such as c:\ (wich is reasonable and works fine wiht me - as far as know epidata does not require any system files). Then, I sugest that you delete the Epidata sample files and place your files in this same directory where the sample files were. This would make the one who is starting Epidata for the first time to see your files instead of the sample files if the short cut does not work.
So naw U have a c:/epidata with your files in c:/epidata/samples.
Make a shortcut on your desktop that point to c:\epidata\samples<myproject>.rec, and be sure that this short cut has the option "open with" pointing to the epidata executable in c:\epidata.
Test it. If it is fine follow next...
Then, you should have a progrma such as winzip or winrar. This programs can make executable files that self-exctrat to a prespecified place such as c:/. I dont remeber exactly how it is but look for options to meke self extract files. So, if when the user executes them the file extratcs the whole folder or whatever you put in them to the prespecified place. You also may want to input a password at the files to be extratcted, winzip for shure does that.
Then when you sand an email for your mates, with these two files, one zipped selfextracted (.exe) and a shortcut wiht the following tip - paste both files ate your desktop, execute the .exe file, execute the shortcut. The magic should work... at least it did with me.
Best Regards,
Pedro Emmanuel Brasil