Dear Hans,Sub - Fonts and Background (Actual thread title should be file conversion from rec to epx and relating the files)Using Analysis for relating rec files is a good option.A PGM can easily save the updated rec files to epx files and relate also.I could save two related rec files to epx files.When I issued the Merge command,Read "D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.0.0\FG\AgeSex2.epx";Merge FFNO !fn :="D:\EpidataAnalysis0.9.0.0\FG\FAMILY2.epx" !Table;Following error message was dislayed; ERROR: External lookup table dataset "ds1" has a non-unique key combinationPlease use the integrity tool to get a complete list of non-unique valuesWhat is this integrity tool and how to get a complete list of non-unique values using this tool?.......................................................The following command is also not working.edit var sex !valuelabel := label_sex !label := "Examinee's sex";What is the need to edit Label option before conversion to epx files?Dr. Shavinder