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Good point, Jamie.
Let us all know if you find other issues in the installation. Just respond to this or Jamie's mail.
My windows 11 warned as expected against unknown software, but I bypassed that with "install anyway"
Institutional users like my use at the hospital should -most likely- contact the it-department in case you do not have administration Rights. In my hospital region a special installation procedure with acquired and arranged rights is the way to go. Other similar sites most likely have similar principles.
Best Wishes
Jens Lauritsen Founder and Coordinator EpiData Association Denmark Den 23. apr. 2024, fra 17.19, EpiData support support and user community <epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.camailto:epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca> skrev:
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Mac users will still have to do this to get the programs to launch after you move them to Applications, or wherever you want them to go. - in Finder, navigate to the folder with the EpiData .app files - for each of them, right-click and choose Open - you will get a message that the app cannot be opened - click on Cancel - again, right-click and choose Open and you will be able to open the app After this, you can launch the apps as usual. Jamie
On Apr 23, 2024, at 3:43 AM, EpiData support support and user community epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Caution! This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.
Dear all
It has been a while since new updates were available to all. Yesterday all new compiled versions are there for you on http://www.epidata.dk/ in the downloads page
The main changes since last version and last update is: Analysis: v3.3.0.0http:// Manager and EntryClient:
If you test with "check version online" in help menu, the above will be shown after download. But will say an earlier version as "public". But the new versions should be safe for general use. But as always be sure to test before changing that all works as expected.
Changes: Files on the website with "latest changes" will be updated soon. But the changes are:
All: due to problems of invisibility on windows all software now starts at a default position, which should work. Then move to where you prefer after each start. Coordinates saved earlier were not consistent and lead to invisibility of the software.
Analysis: a. Analysis has now an added graphs menu part with several graph types
General a. All software was moved to a new GIT hub based account - allowing for conversion to open source developments and maintenance. More news on this later. b. All software was updated to latest version of FreePascal compiler and Lazarus . For more information on these two tools, see https://www.lazarus-ide.org/
Without the efforts of Jamie Hockin and Torsten B. Christiansen the update would not have been possible.
Any comments appreciated.
-- Jens Lauritsen Founder and Coordinator EpiData Association Denmark ________________________________
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