Hello Jean-Paul,
I think your problem is similar to one discussed recently to do with time/date differences. This discussion explains the process of calculating the time difference in Epidata Entry, however, not Analysis, but hopefully the formulae used will be helpful of how to apply anywhere.
This thread was titled "Entering time and date for outbreaks" - here is a link to one of the posts (including a solution): http://lists.umanitoba.ca/pipermail/epidata-list/2007q1/000674.html - if you look up the rest of the thread and read through hopefully it will help you.
I'm not yet familiar with Epidata Analysis so there may indeed be an in-built function to deal with this - I'm sure someone else will post with details if that is the case.
Regards, Charity Jenkins Data Processing Officer Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer The Cancer Council Victoria
On 3/14/07, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
I would like to know how to treat(manipulate) dates and hours at the same time. I have a data base which I seized under Epidata Entry and who understand variables dates and the hour of entrance for the delivery and date and the hour for the delivery. The hour I made two numeric variables, the hour and minutes. Now how to make to have the difference in the hour or in minutes? The problem does not settlewhen the delivery with place the same day. But the problem when there is gap For example: DAR Date of arrival <10/01/2007> HAR Arrival time 13 MAR Minute of arrival 45
DAC Dates delivery <12/01/2007> HAC Hour of delivery 02 MAC Minutes of delivery 34
Under SPSS, the manipulation is easy, I would like to know if under Epidata Analysis we can do the same with these temporal data. Should the opposite occur it would be necessary to think of introducing this module into the final version of this magnificent software.
Dr Jean-Paul DIBY-KONAN Médecin Santé Publique MCM Santé de la Reproduction Institut Médecine Tropicale Kapucinessenstraat 8 B-2000 Anvers Belgique