Dear all,
When I use the new versions of manager and entryclient, I encountered some problems in win7 and xp. 1) manager (using sample.epx) a)When I export the file sample.epx to SPSS file, the software gave me the warning: >Warning # 1151
A field to be read under the EDATE format is invalid. The field must contain day, month, and year separated by spaces, dashes, slashes, decimal points, or commas. Note that American style dates (month/day/year) can be read under the ADATE format. Command line: 21 Current case: 1 Current splitfile group: 1 Field contents: '201012/09/' Record number: 1 Starting column: 36 Record length: 8192
I checked the syntax of sample.sps. The segment VL3 27-35(A) is not correct. It should be VL3 27-29(A). The length of the field VL3 is 3, right?
b) I clicked the plus button in Valuelabel section of Field Properties, then the message box popped: Access violation. Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. I pressed the OK button,then Field Valuelabel Editor appeared but the same message box too.I pressed the OK button then the program was not responding. c) I clicked Manage button in Valuelabel section in Field Properties, then the Valuelabel Editor displayed but the program was not responding immediately. Then I restarted the program and clicked plus button in Valuelabel section in Field Properties, the program disappeared and I must kill the process in Task Manager or I cannot open the manager again because it will not respond my double click on the program icon in file manager.
EpiData Manager Program Version: r517 Core version: r635 FPC Version: 2.6.0 Platform: i386-Win32 Filename: Q:\Tools\Data\epidatamanager.\samples\sample.epx XML Version: 2 Field count: 33 Record count: 12
2)entryclient (using sample.epx) When I click Paths in the Program Settings, the entryclient did not response any operations and I have to end it in task manager.
EpiData Entry Client Program Version: r199 Core version: r635 FPC Version: 2.6.0 Platform: i386-Win32 Filename: Q:\Tools\Data\epidataentryclient.\samples\sample.epx XML Version: 2 Field count: 33 Record count: 12
Could you help me? Thanks!
Best Regards, Richard Zhou
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Today's Topics:
- new pre-public-release versions of Manager, Entryclient and Analysis (epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 23:03:57 +0100 From: epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: [EpiData-list] new pre-public-release versions of Manager, Entryclient and Analysis To: EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca Message-ID: 50B7DBCD.4020802@epidata.dk Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Dear All
On the testing page: http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php You will now find a revised version for download of EpiData Manager and EntryClient
These have further bug-fixes in relation to copy and paste fields. the manager is now version and EntryClient
Additionally we are adapting EpiData Analysis to a common form of having documents in the same folders as Manager and EntryClient and also that the installer programme will conform to more recent security principles in Windows 7 etc. As a first test of this a new installer is now found at: Analysis http://www.epidata.dk/downloads/setupepidatastat_2.2.2.179.exe
One single file can be started in English, French, Spanish or Chinese. If you use Windows XP non-asian version the Chinese part will look strange. Notice it is ONLY the installer which comes in different languages NOT the software as such. We are aware that some of the text which should be in e.g. Spanish is not translated yet, but please test the installer in terms of rights and places where files are kept.
We have initiated the translation principles for the interface of Manager and EntryClient. More news on that later. For news on the changes in Manager and EntryClient please see previous announcements.
Torsten Christiansen Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association Denmark
EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 109, Issue 5