You also have to consider the price of the SPSS software.
We implement what is reasonable within the funding we have. For us just one copy of SPSS would be more than 1000 Euro or US dollars - unless you are in a University setting, where they set prices very low.
Anyone who can get some funding for development are welcome to do so, and we will do our best to implement such functionality.
Jens Lauritsen
On 05/30/2012 04:55 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Dear Jens,
Thank you for your reply. I asked this question since in days long gone (late eighties), this option was possible in SPSS/Data Entry for DOS.
Of course it depends on the design philosophy of a questionnaire. Mine is that the questionnaire is central and that the data entry should follow the questionnaire. Your philosophy is that the data entry is the crucial aspect and that the design of the questionnaire should follow the data entry form.
But perhaps you can think of introducing these options in future versions.