Dear all
One of the design options we are discussing internally is whether to re-design the "status-bar" at the bottom of Manager and EntryClient.
For input to this design, which is now "hard-coded" we are considering implementation of a user defined mode of content.
Please discuss or add viewpoints of what you would like to see on a statusbar or information toolbar. Focus on which information you would like to see, not the actual visual design. Although ideas are obviously always welcomed. e.g : key for a project, do we need field names, field types, number of sections etc. Separate the input btw. Manager and EntryClient and whether you wish to have some obligatory and other user defined.
Just respond to this mail and the discussion should form a "thread" . If you recieve the digest summary form of mails from the list, then delete other non-relevant parts to make your suggestion more readable. regards before you submit your suggestions. Rember not to include pictures or similar since these are blocked in the system.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association