The EpiC command system from 2006 will not be fixed, but we will consider developing a similar command line tool with the new system functionality (epx).
In other words - until this is done you have to do the process repeatedly with the new software, which handles all new versions of Stata (at least until v12)
The template parser could be the first part of such a batch/cmd stand alone tool.'
Regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association On 09/09/2013 06:30 PM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
Dear listers,
I'm trying to convert EpiData files to Stata format. I've stumbled upon a problem similar to the one described by Jan in a post from 2008:
(This is the only reference I've been able to find on the list and Google)
My command and output are as follows:
C:\test>EpiC.exe e STATA8 PEDPATIENT28032012ES * REPLACE
EpiC - the EpiData command application version 3.1.2 14. Nov. 2006 (C) Copyright 2002-2006 - EpiData Association, http://www.epidata.dk Programmed by M.Bruus. Design: JM.Lauritsen & M.Bruus
0 % doneException EAccessViolation in module EpiC.exe at 00061B3F. Access violation at address 00461B3F in module 'EpiC.exe'. Write of address 022AC000.
The files are converted correctly when I use "STATA" option, but since it converts to Stata 6 version I don't get the correct variable names whenever they are too long. I've tested it on two machines: one running Windows Server 2008, and one on Linux (using Wine). The files are converted correctly using EpiData 3.1 GUI.
Are there any solutions to this problem?
Thanks a lot for help, radek
EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list