Dear colleagues
In response to the mails of last week regarding R and combination to EpiData software I would like to state the following:
The way I see EpiData software playing a role in the coming 10 years is like this:
a. Ensure full compliance with proper data documentation procedures and compliance with GCP guide lines (Good Clinical Practice) for medical studies, where certain requirements are imposed on the data management. These are explained in the paper: GCP-compliant data management in multinational clinical trials. ECRIN-2, Deliverable D10, Version 1, 15 September 2008.Ohmann C (chair) and the Transnational Working Group on Data Management. I participated in the workgroup. The paper can be downloaded from: http://www.ecrin.org/index.php?id=274
b. Fulfill data entry needs at the basic level in local levels giving full control over the process by the persons running projects or routine systems at that level
c. Perform analysis of quantitative data at the basic and extended levels within principles of univariate, bivariate levels and further levels in respect to stratified epidemiological analysis (M-H techniques), controlled analysis in survival (log rank and k-m plots) etc.
d. Bridge to other software for extending this analysis to current expected levels of regression or survival analysis, e.g. repeated measures models or logistic regression.
e. The software should be easy to use for all users. Beginners as well as support the needs for advanced usage based on more complex principles.
For point d I think an optimal strategy would be to bridge into R as the tool. (and to export documented data into commercial software such as user community supportive products such as Stata). Such that the steep learning curve for R is bypassed for standard analysis. This also allows for simplification of the programming for EpiData.
In other words - I see definetely - a path as suggested of a combination of R and EpiData. If someone have or could prepare a document of principles of calling batch procedures from other software into R please let us know on this list. We will need this sometime in spring next year, when other aspects of this are in place.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association