If you wish to do it in Analysis directly, do:
read "1_patient.rec"; edit var sex !valuelabel := label_sex !label := "Examinee's sex"; // Do the above for all label blocks in the check file save "1_patient.epx" !replace;
close; read "2_examination.rec"; edit var sputum !valuelabel := label_sputum !label := "Macroscopic aspect of sputum"; // Do the above for all label blocks in the check file save "2_examination.epx" !replace;
close; read "2_examination.epx"; merge patid !fn := "1_patient.epx" !table; save "combined.epx" !replace;
It works perfectly well.
On 13-Dec-17 16:03, EpiData development and support wrote:
You can do the merge with EpiData Manager and save everything in one project. That way, you are set to use the project data forms in EntryClient and Analysis. Jamie
Dear Jens, One can read rec file but cannot relate with other rec file.Merge command is not working with parent child rec files. ,Dr. Shavinder