20 Jun
20 Jun
9:56 p.m.
You can develop relational data form to have this kind of structure. Use "RELATE" command in EpiData entry. Here's a simple example on my blog. https://myominnoo.blogspot.com/2016/03/creating-relational-form-in-epidata-3... You can also use EpiData Manager and EntryClient to have this kind. All the best
*Myo Minn Oo*
Operational Research Fellow
*International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)*
36, 27th Street, Between 72nd and 73rd Streets, Mandalay, Myanmar
Tel: +95 11-201182, 2 71082 Fax: (+95) 2 71082
www.theunion.org worldlunghealth.org http://www.worldlunghealth.org/
*Tel:* (+95) 99705 45333, 94513 35581 *Skype:* myoetc
*Email:* myominnoo@theunionmyanmar.org, dr.myominnoo@gmail.com