If there is a problem in this respect, please send a copy of that Stata file to info@epidata.dk and
Just include a few cases, e.g. 5 That is in Stata: use xxxxx keep in 1/5 save epidataexport
And then send the epidataexport.dta file as an attachment to me. All defined labels in Stata that I have tested are appropriately used in EpiData and vica versa.
The only problem I have recently encountered was that EpiC renamed the names of the labels to epd1 epd2 etc, such that when exporting several files from epidata to stata format and doing a merge in stata there were problems with the labels. That error will be fixed in epic.
regards Jens Lauritsen info@epidata.dk Initiator and Coordinator for EpiData
epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca 29-11-04 8:32 >>>
dear Epidata
when importing a STATA file into Epidata the value labels are incorporated into the check file but the values are not set as legal values, so even if you enter what F9 suggests you should, epidata keeps saying illegal entry. So this is a problem when a STATA file with value labels is imported. Simple to fix (just put in legal value sin the check file)but not if you have a large file with many variables. Any advice?
Paul Rheeder
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