I thought about you related file problem and perhaps there is a workaround. I thougth for example of edaverse event notification of medication use. Each patient is using one or more medications and while using these may have two or more events simultaneously such as rash nausea and vomiting. Each event will be a record in a related file. But the unique identifier is the patient record and may cause trouble in double entry.
Perhaps if each related record may be a combination, you me be able to run double entry independently.
Main qes file --- ID ##### name ___ sex___ medication ___
related file ----
ID ##### event __ eventID ________ description _____
Related chk file
eventID before entry let eventID = ID + event end end
If patient 123 has three events then eventID would be 123a 123b and 123c and may uniquely identify the events and double entry may be possible by this eventID.
I did not test it although.
But this means you would have to type all again if you already typed it all. Or perhaps exporting editing and importing may make this easier.
kind regards,
Abraço forte e que a força esteja com você,
Dr. Pedro Emmanuel A. A. do Brasil Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro - Brasil Av. Brasil 4365 Tel 55 21 3865-9648 email: pedro.brasil@ipec.fiocruz.br email: emmanuel.brasil@gmail.com
---Apoio aos softwares livres www.zotero.org - gerenciamento de referências bibliográficas. www.broffice.org ou www.openoffice.org - textos, planilhas ou apresentações. www.epidata.dk - entrada de dados. www.r-project.org - análise de dados. www.ubuntu.com/ - sistema operacional