A very efficient way of getting to know how many times does this "id" appear in the files for a given project is:
a. Make sure all files are on the same pc - b. Use documentation in EpiData Entry - and find "count by id" c. Now in this function point out the files from the project d. The system looks for field names in all files e. pick the one which is id and then you see a list of files and number of times each id appears in each file example output: Selected files: (a list of the files) File 1 = e:\epidatastat\test_testdata\gastro1.rec File 2 = e:\epidatastat\test_testdata\gastro5.rec File 3 = e:\epidatastat\test_testdata\penn2.rec
4028 different values for ID found
Files ID 1 2 3 -------------------------- 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 . 1 2 4 . 1 3 5 . 1 1 6 1 1 1
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association