I am using EpiData Verion 3.1. I did send a screenshot, but apparently
only text is allowed by the list.
The current policy is that any posting to the epidata-list system must be smaller than 35kb, which in practice excludes bitmaps such as screenshots. For the example from Shakeel the size was around 65kb which for some of us is very small, but if one is one a slow modem line is large. All web pages on EpiData.dk are aimed at being at most around 10-20k without pictures and other "nice features" precisely with the aim of minimising band-width usage.
It could be good with some inputs from list members whether the policy should be relaxed, e.g. that we set the limit at 65k instead of 35k for postings. In particular those who are living in areas where slow speed internet is an issue.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association