26 Nov
26 Nov
11:46 a.m.
sure, I'd be interested. E-mail is cryan@binghamton.edu. Thanks.
Christopher W. Ryan, MD
SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton
and Wilson Family Practice Residency, Johnson City, NY
GnuPG and PGP public keys available at http://pgp.mit.edu
"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood,
divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the
vast and endless sea." [Antoine de St. Exupery]
epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
> Hello!
> The file is done now and I am sending it to test it.
> If someone is interested to have a copy, please write me back with your
> email address so I can email it to you (it is around 5.5Mb size) in PDF
> format.
> It is free for distribution as well!
> And anyone is welcome to write back with questions and/or suggestions!
> Note: I have intention to go further in guidelines development in case
> there is interest and fund (maybe?) to keep the work on?
> Best regards!
> /Ziad
> Karolinska Institute
> Stockholm - Sweden
> _______________________________________________
> EpiData-list mailing list
> EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca
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