Dear List
Fridag 16th november, we released a new exprimental test-version of EpiData Manager (v and EpiData EntryClient (v
The new version is available for download on our testing website: http://epidata.dk/testing.php#alpha
This release contains only minor bug-fixes. The main focus is our new installation wizards.
We have created individual installations for Linux, Mac and Windows with respect to each type of operating system. This also means that Java is no longer required to install the program, using the wizards.
The full list of changes can be found at: http://epidata.dk/epidatamanager.changelog.txt http://epidata.dk/epidataentryclient.changelog.txt
Due to the way security has changes with Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion), it may be that the settings for security should be changed. Otherwise a security message may appear blocking the use of these program.
This will be the last experimental release and if no major issues are raised within a short period of time we will release the current experimental version as a "pre-public" release test version.
Kind regards
Torsten Christiansen Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association