You should put in your check file either a LEGAL command or both a RANGE and a LEGAL command, depending on the exact values you want to accept.
Example (with the figures you gave):
1. Only with LEGAL command block
variable_name LEGAL 1 2 3 4 5 96 97 98 99 END end
2. With LEGAL and RANGE commands
variable_name RANGE 1 5 LEGAL 96 97 98 99 END end
NB: in the latter case, be sure to put the RANGE command before the LEGAL command block
Hope this helps
Good luck
Yves MP
A 11:48 09/07/2004 -0400, vous avez écrit :
Is it possible to include 2 ranges in variable field of a chk file? doing this gives me an error message. I.e. "1-5,96-99"
Ramiro A. Muñoz Arévalo EQUIPOS/MORI BOLIVIA
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